CROPP Officially Opens
Dear At Large RALO and GNSO Constituency Leaders,
I am pleased to report that the CROPP-FY14 Wiki space has been officially opened (as of 11 October 2013) and is now available to receive your community regional trip proposals.
So far, we have two registered Pilot Program Coordinators (PPCs) in the system – from the NCUC.
Please remember, in addition to approval from your community leadership and the ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice President in the region of the proposed travel, before you will be able to submit any trip proposals, staff needs to set up the appropriate permissions/authorization on the wiki for each PPC. For that to be accomplished, we need from you the name and email information for each of your “coordinators.” You'll recall that you can identify up to two PPCs for your community.
Ken Bour held a training session yesterday for the registered PPCs. A recording of that training, as well as other tutorial materials can be found on the Program Tools & Resources page of the CROPP Wiki space.
We are also happy to provide individual training sessions to any coordinators that you identify throughout the program year.
Also, please remember that the site will be available for viewing by the entire ICANN community, so you can learn from the proposals of your fellow community leaders. We are still working to perfect the translation capabilities of the wiki space and hope to have that on-line soon.
We are still early in the life of this pilot program. If you still have questions after you have had an opportunity to review the Wiki space materials (see the overview of the program at CROPP Overview Documents, please contact Janice Douma-Lange and me at the email addresses below. We will be happy to join you for a call or a meeting to provide an overview and answer your specific questions about the program.
When you are ready, please send your coordinator names and contact information to me and Janice and we will work with Ken to get them the necessary wiki credentials issued as soon as possible. We are looking forward to hearing from all of you.
Best regards,