Request for Pilot Program Coordinators (PPC)

Request for Pilot Program Coordinators (PPC)

Dear At Large RALO and GNSO Constituency Leaders

Thanks to many of you who participated in the CROPP briefing sessions we held this past week and to those of you who scheduled individual briefings with staff.  We fielded some very productive questions, collected some great feedback and appreciated the interest in the program.  Copies of the briefing slide deck, MP3 recordings and transcripts of the briefing calls, can be found here: CROPP Community Sessions

As we shared during the briefing calls, the program will formally launch next week.  We have been working on wiki modifications that will give us the ability to begin formally accepting trip proposals on Friday, 11 October.

As explained in the briefing materials and on the briefing calls, we are asking each of you to identify one or two pilot program “coordinators” who will have the responsibility/capability of coordinating trip information collection and entering all trip proposal information into the program system on the appropriate CROPP wiki page. 

Before you will be able to submit any trip proposals, staff needs to set up the appropriate permissions/authorization on the wiki for each coordinator.  For that to be accomplished, we need from you the name and email information for each of your “coordinators.”  Please provide that information to us at your earliest opportunity.

Ken Bour has already produced a couple of coordinator training tutorials that are posted on the wiki space at Tutorials

We have also scheduled two 60-minute telephone/Adobe Connect training sessions for designated coordinators with Ken Bour next week on Thursday 10 October at 1300 UTC and 1900 UTC.  These first training sessions are being made available so that those of you who want to move quickly on developing and submitting your community proposals can do so efficiently and effectively. We are also happy to provide individual sessions to any coordinators that you identify throughout the program year.

Please send your coordinator name and contact information to me robert.hoggarth@icann.org and Janice Douma-Lange janice.lange@icann.org at your earliest convenience if you want to take advantage of the training sessions next week.  We will supply the designated coordinators with call details and any additional introductory materials that are developed so that they can get quickly up to speed on the program details.

We are very excited about the potential benefits from this pilot program.  We hope it will be a productive learning experience for all us.

Best regards,
