Webinar on the Current State of the UDRP

Webinar on the Current State of the UDRP

  • Information on the 10 May 2011 Webinar on the Current State of the UDRP

Announcement - http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-21apr11-en.htm

Agenda and Additional Information

Final UDRP Webinar Slides

Adobe Connect Webinar Recording

Transcript of the UDRP Webinar


Webinar on the Current State of the UDRP


10 May 2011, 1500-1700 UTC


Moderator –             Margie Milam, ICANN Staff

Introduction and logistics (5 min)                                                    1500-1505

UDRP Providers     (20 min)                                                         1505-1525

Erik Wilbers, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)                                                           Bio Erik Wilbers

Kristine Dorrain, National Arbitration Forum (NAF)                                                                            Bio Kristine Dorrain   

Dennis Cai, Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center (ADNDRC)                                             Bio Dennis Cai

Tereza Bartoskova, Czech Arbitration Court Arbitration Center for Internet Disputes (CAC)                   Bio Tereza Bartoskova

ICANN Compliance Staff (5 min)                                                   1525-1530

Khalil Rasheed                                                                                                                              Bio Khalil Rasheed

Registrar Stakeholder Group (5 min)                                           1530-1535

Statton Hammock, Network Solutions                                                                                             Bio Statton Hammock

Panelists – 5 total (25 min)                                                                1535-1600

  • Czech Arbitration Court-  Mathew Harris
  • ADNDRC Panelist    Neil Brown                                                                                           Bio Neil Brown
  • NAF Panelist          James Carmody                                                                                    Bio James Carmody
  • WIPO Panelist        David Bernstein                                                                                     Bio David Bernstein
  • WIPO Panelist        Tony Willoughby                                                                                   Bio  Tony Willoughby

Complainants/Counsel- 2 Total (10 Min)                                          1600-1610

  • Aimee Gessner, BMW                                                                                                        Bio Aimee Gessner                                                                                                  
  • Paul McGrady                                                                                                                    Bio Paul McGrady 

Respondents/Counsel-  2 Total (10 Min)                                           1610-1615

John Berryhill

Ari Goldberger                                                                                                                              Bio Ari Goldberger

Academic Speakers    2 Total (10 Min)                                            1615-1625

  • Konstantinos Komaitis, University of Strathclyde                                                                Bio Konstantinos Komaitis
  • Cédric Manara, EDHEC                                                                                                    Bio Cédric Manara

Q&A                                                                                                   1630-1700


Presenter Guidelines for Webinar


  • The use of PowerPoint slides is not necessary, but if used, is limited to no more than 3 slides.  Please send them to margie.milam@icann.org by close of business on Friday 6 May 2011.
  •  If you would like to make available additional information or content, or would like to provide your biography,  it will be made available on this WIKI
  • Presentations should focus on the requested subject matter, and should not be a venue for promotion or comparison of your services.
  • An Adobe Connect room will be used to manage the Webinar.  Questions can be posed by the participants via the chat function in Adobe Connect.   The moderator will read the questions to the panelists during the last ½ hour which is reserved for Q&A.
  • Each speaker is only allocated five minutes.  Please be courteous to the other speakers and try to stick to the time allocation.
  • If possible, it may be useful to share your points with the other speakers in your group (i.e., providers, panelists, etc.) to minimize duplication of issues discussed.   Labels parameters

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