UDRP Drafting Team
This is the home of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Drafting Team space.
Current Status of the Drafting Team's Work
The Drafting Team is providing guidance to Staff (Margie Milam) in researching and preparing the Issue Report requested by the GNSO Council on 3 Feb 2011. The following activities are related to this effort:
- A Webinar on the Current State of the UDRP was held on 10 May 2011
- A Preliminary Issue Report on the UDRP was published by Staff prior to the ICANN Singapore Meeting at: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/prelim-report-udrp-27may11-en.htm
- A session on the UDRP was held during the Singapore Meeting
- A Final Issue Report on the UDRP was published prior to the Dakar Meeting, on 3 October 2011
- The GNSO to consider whether to commence a policy development process (PDP) on the UDRP after considering the Final Issue Report