Candidate Statement 2021
Maryam Bakoshi
Name: Bruna Martins dos Santos
Declared region of residence: LAC - currently residing in Brasilia, Brazil
Gender: Female
Employment: Data Privacy Brazil Research
Conflicts of Interest: none
Reasons for willingness to take on the position:
I want to continue working on behalf of our community improvement. The past year has proved to be incredibly challenging for civil society worldwide due to the pandemic and the majority of us shifting our attention to a more local level approach on advocacy and emergencies. With some chance of our world going back to normality I am highly interested in helping us reach higher levels of participation once the right bridging between incoming members and PDP active members is done. On that specific point, I had the honor to follow up on the great work by previous chairs of the GNSO`s Non-commercial community and to help shape efforts such as Policy Writing courses. In order for us to improve NCSG membership at ICANN, I believe our stakeholder group needs to go back to working on improving the offer of the right tools to allow our members to feel more confident in finding the right places and opportunities to contribute.
Having spent the past 3 years in leadership positions at NCUC and NCSG, I was able to have a comprehensive view of the challenges our members might face when engaging with our Stakeholder Group, as well as some of the intricacies of our groups. In light of being an avid advocate for ICANN's Multistakeholder model and Civil Society participation on it, as well as NCSGs relevance to the model, I would love the challenge being reelected for a second term and continuing to help find solutions for some of the participation gaps we face nowadays and enable new members to engage with the many challenging policy discussions the Policy Committee coordinates.
Qualifications for the position:
I hold a BA in Law with experience in Internet Regulation, Human Rights and International Law and experience in policy making processes regarding the Internet that started back in 2011 while I had the chance to work at the drafting team of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet. Ever since then, I have worked for the brazilian government until 2016, as a legal advisor on social matters - including the construction of the initial draft of our Data Protection Law and the regulatory decree of Marco Civil da Internet. Currently I hold the position of Advocacy Coordinator at Data Privacy Brazil Research, helping coordinate advocacy efforts around data protection and Internet Governance debates at the local, regional and global level.
Moving on to ICANN, I have been involved with our stakeholder group since 2017 - when I joined as a member after remotely following our discussions for years. Ever since, I have served as NCUC Chair, Vice-Chair and NCUC EC representative for the LAC region, and currently hold the position of NCSG Chair. Besides the leadership positions, I have contributed to NCSG's policy work, having volunteered for being one of the pen holders for some of the provided input to the New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures WG Comments and am an alternate at the EPDP Phase #2.
Statement of availability for the time the position required:
I confirm that I have the required availability to focus on the needed discussions and processes where the NCSG chair is required. Despite working full time I have managed to successfully complete my terms both as NCUC EC LAC and NCUC Chair with a fair amount of time dedicated to the chair duties, and the same is likely to happen with my current first term as the NCSG Chair.
Additional information:
Apart from my work at ICANN I am also one of the co-coordinators of Internet Governance Caucus, have acted as one of the key constituents at the roundtable designated for debating recommendations 3A/B of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, and help coordinate the Internet Governance Forum's Best practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights.
Bruna Martins dos Santos
my name is Tomslin Samme-Nlar and I currently reside in APAC. I have no known conflict of interest which would arise in performing this role and I have reasonable time available to efficiently perform the role of a GNSO councillor.
I am excited and look forward to a full term at the GNSO council, advancing NCSG purpose and principles and my enthusiasm is evident in my participation in the council and the policy committee for the last year.
Sincerely yours,
Tomslin Samme-Nlar
- Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment —
Name: Farell Folly,
Region of Residence: AF (Primary) - EU (Alternate)
Gender: Male
Employment: Resever Army Officer (Lt-Col) Computer security Researcher at the Bundeswehr University of Munich, Germany
- Any conflicts of interest; None
- Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position;
Continue what I have started, contribute to defend NC users rights, contribute to PDPs as much as possible.
Work to improve interactions and how membership engage.
Guide in Public comment draftings
Help newcomers to find their ways and give tips regarding how to overcome obstacles such as languages barriers and where to find ressources.
- Qualifications for the position
I have been there for two years, and more than 6 years in ICANN in total and I have a good understanding of DNS Policy. However, there is still more to learn but I am confident that I do have the necessary skills and background to continue learning and serve in that position.
- Statement of availability for the time the position requires; and
I will be devoting 10 to 20 hours to that work more if my agenda permits.
- Optionally, any other information that the candidate believes is relevant.
My name is Manju Chen and I currently reside in the APAC region. I’m a female who works as an assistant manager at NIIEPA, a non-profit org that promotes a national information infrastructure in Taiwan.
I believe there is no conflicts of interest for me to perform the role of GNSO councilor. My experience of working on EPDP has prepared me to bring the NCSG perspective into policy discussions and council seems to be the right place to do that. I have no problems committing my time and effort to work on GNSO council. I also believe that additional representation from APAC will strengthen that regional perspective on the council.