Marilia Maciel

Marilia Maciel


  • Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment;

Marília Maciel, female, Brazil, researcher and coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society of Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School (CTS/FGV)


  • Any conflicts of interest;

I declare that I do not have any conflicts of interest.


  • Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position;

ICANN is in a very interesting moment. The organization is increasingly playing a role in the broader Internet governance ecosystem, especially in discussions about the institutional architecture of Internet Governance. It has been one of the key supporters of NETmundial and it has launched the NETmundial Initiative, in partnership with WEF. I believe my practical and academic experience in Internet Governance would allow me to contribute to finding the right balance between strengthening the leadership of ICANN and the need to invest adequate resources in its core mission.


Topics that fall clearly under the remit of the organization require careful attention. The implications of the new gTLD program are being discussed at the GNSO and some issues impact directly non-commercial interests such as the possibility of protecting INGOs identifiers. Moreover, actors are increasingly aware of the implications that some policies have on human rights, such as the discussion on privacy and proxy services accreditation. I intend to focus particularly on PDPs that are interlinked with non-commercial and human rights issues.  


The GNSO is at the heart of ICANN’s mission and it also harbors non-commercial interests in ICANN. A strong GNSO is important for strengthening those interests. In the process of GNSO review, it is important that the GNSO is improved while also preserving and advancing non-commercial interests. I believe I can make a good case for that. Moreover, it is important to ensure that the GNSO is not only strong, but also balanced. I believe I can contribute to the gender and regional balance at the GNSO. Several policies are discussed without adequate consideration of their impact on developing regions of the world. If I get to be elected for the GNSO, one of my commitments will be to try to identify concerns of developing regions and voice them in GNSO discussions.


  • Qualifications for the position

Although I have been involved in other Internet governance related spaces since 2007, my involvement with ICANN is recent. Nevertheless, I have become an active member of the community in a short time. I have joined the NCSG policy committee, which allowed me to have a broad view of the issues that are currently under discussion in the GNSO and to have a good understanding of the interests and positions of non-commercial actors. I am also a member of the cross-community working group on Internet Governance. 


Moreover, I have been invited to speak in several meetings and webinars, which I think is a recognition of the work I am carrying out, such as the At-Large ATLAS summit (ICANN 50), in the session on the Transition of NTIA´s Stewardship of the IANA functions (ICANN 50) and in NCUC meeting on ICANN and global Internet Governance: the road to São Paulo and beyond, during ICANN 49. I believe I am ready to voice non-commercial concerns at the GNSO, while bringing new blood and energy to the team of representatives.


Previous to my involvement in ICANN, I have been actively participating in Internet Governance discussions in several United Nations fora, such as the IGF, the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), and the WSIS process. From 2011 to 2012 I was a member of the Working Group on IGF improvements, created under the auspices of CSTD. In 2014 I have been selected by civil society to be a member of the Executive Multistakeholder Committee, which played a key role in organizing NETmundial, especially on the drafting of the outcome document. These experiences helped me develop the skills to negotiate positions in a multistakeholder environment. 


I have teaching experience in FGV´s undergraduate course on intellectual property law, in which I included domain name dispute resolution as one of the topics of the discipline, so I believe I would be qualified to discuss topics that are related to these issues in the GNSO. 


Regarding my education, I am a PhD candidate on International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), one of the most prestigious IR programs in Brazil, doing a thesis on cyber security and defense.  I hold a MA in Latin American Integration from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2008), and a BA in Law from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2005).



  • Statement of availability for the time the position requires.

I have a good record of attendance in NCSG policy committee and in CCWG meetings and calls and I declare that I can commit the time needed to perform this function.


  • The nominee’s statement may also include any other information that the candidate believes is relevant. 

I always had a hands-on approach and I was one of the volunteers that created a working group that envisioned the model of remote participation developed in the IGF (based on hubs) and assisted the secretariat in its implementation. I helped to train moderators and provided assistance to the creation of IGF hubs in more than forty countries around the world. I believe this corroborates my abilities to carry out significant endeavors and my skills to communicate and outreach.