2013 NCSG Election - Candidate Stmt of Rafik Dammak

2013 NCSG Election - Candidate Stmt of Rafik Dammak

NCSG Candidate Statement of Rafik Dammak

Candidate for NCSG Chair (1-year term)


  • Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment;
Rafik Dammak
Asia(Tunisian citizen)
Computer engineer
  • Any conflicts of interest:
  • Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position:    
I am willing to stand and serve NCSG during a challenging time and acknowledge the level of commitments .
Concretely, I am ready for:  
  1.  The coming GNSO review and I am aware about the impact it may have on our group and the expected work.
  2.  To continue the fight on the positions we always defended regarding the rights of non-commercial users and organizations, and the defense of human rights, freedom of expression and privacy with concrete actions to let ICANN accountable on its policies and respecting rights. 
  3. Working on the engagement of our existing membership and doing the needed community management to improve our involvement in ICANN processes.
  4. Improving the relations with other groups in the different SOs/ACs
 •  Qualifications for the position:
I served NCSG interests in several roles and get different perspectives about the needs of our SG  and constituencies within the organisation and the interactions/relations with other groups 
  1. I participated in several working groups within ICANN on behalf of NCSG. and I was co-chair of  new applicant support working group , a cross working group between GNSO and ALAC aimed to give support for new gTLD applicants from developing countries.
  2. I was GNSO councilor for 3 years representing NCSG and non-commercial interests and coordinating with other members to defend several positions there .
  3. I am also at the Executive committee and I am aware about the tasks , admin work and challenges , and the improvement needed at that level
  4. I represented NCUC in the nomcom 
Outside ICANN, I also served or serving in other space in steering committees at Internet Rights and Principles coalition, OECD CSISAC.
 • Statement of availability for the time the position requires:
Yes, I am available and familiar with needed commitment for volunteering for NCSG.
 • The nominee’s statement may also include any other information that the candidate believes is relevant: 
I learned a lot with my involvement within NCSG: about our challenges, the new issues coming with new gTLD which may change dramatically the structure of GNSO, strengthening NCSG, continuation of  the efforts started by predecessors and implementing the needed changes, coordinating with the policy committee and our councillors to advance NCSG policy positions. 
I am looking to serve NCSG and count on the support of experienced members and working collegially with NCSG EC members and leaders of NCSG constituencies.
