David Cake

David Cake

Position: GNSO Councillor

Personal Details: My name is David Gerard Cake. I am male. I live in Perth, in Western Australia, which is within the Asia Pacific Region.

Qualifications: I joined NCUC (taking over from Kim Heitman as the representative of Electronic Frontiers Australia) in 2009, at the Sydney meeting. I was elected to the NCUC Exec as the Asia Pacific Representative, and I have been re-elected once since (and I am now term limited from running again). i also served on the Security, Stability and Resiliency Review Team, which included meetings with the majority of the ICANN structure, and reviews of many aspects of ICANNs operation. I have attended the Sydney, Nairobi, San Francisco, Singapore, Dakar, Costa Rica and Prague ICANN meetings in person (and remotely participated in some others), and at all the meetings I attended in person I attended the majority of GNSO sessions. With the resignation of Konstantinos as NCUC Chair, I was chosen to serve as interim chair, so I have been serving as NCUC chair for some months, including at the recent Prague meeting. I believe I have a good understanding of ICANN in general, and the issues and operation of the GNSO Council in particular.

I have been a board member of Electronic Frontiers Australia, Australia leading online civil rights organisation, since 2004, and became Vice-Chair in 2004, and Chair in 2011 (coincidentally during the Singapore ICANN Meeting). Through this experience I have a broad understanding of the wide range of issues involved in Internet policy.

Reasons for willingness to take on the particular position: I am committed to the protection of non-commercial interests in Internet policy, and specifically within the domain name area. I have a strong commitment to the protection of free expression, privacy, and human rights within the Internet policy domain, to the protection of an open and free Internet, and to the multi-stakeholder model, especially the participation of civil society as an equal partner. The GNSO Council provides one of the most useful ways to work towards these goals. And I am committed to NCUCs role within ICANN, and welcome the opportunity to contribute.

Employment: I am currently a graduate student (enrolled in the Ph.D program) in the Internet Studies Department of Curtin University, studying Internet governance issues, and I have also been employed as a sessional academic for Curtin, and for Curtin College, an associated institution. I have a computer science degree, and 20 years experience in the computer industry, and I also perform some occasional technical consulting work.

Availability: My schedule is flexible enough to allow me to fulfil all required GNSO council duties, including attending ICANN meetings and participating in the majority of GNSO phone meetings and NCSG policy calls.

Conflicts of Interest: I do not have any financial or employment interests with any entity with a contract or financial interest with ICANN, and I do not believe I have any applicable conflicts of interest. 

I've very much enjoyed working with the great group of committed people I've met through NCUC/NCSG over the last couple of years, a fun and talented group that I am proud to call colleagues, and I very much appreciate the trust placed in me with this position, and the opportunity to work with a really great team. of council representatives.