Guide To Getting Started In NCSG
Guide To Getting Started In NCSG
Welcome to the NCSG!
We are glad you decided to become a member - the list below will guide you in your first steps.
- Check out the NCSG Group Web site.
- Follow the discussions on NCSG-Discuss
- Contribute to the discussions on NCSG-Discuss
- Start a discussion on NCSG-Discuss
- When call goes out for help in reviewing document open for comment; volunteer to read and comment
- and maybe even write a first draft
- Join a Working Group. More on this.
- in time maybe lead a working group
- Make sure you vote when there is a chance for members to vote.
- If you haven't already joined one of the constituencies, think about joining one - though it is not required.
- When it comes time for nominations, nominate somebody, or be ready to be nominated.
- when you are ready even self-nominate
- If you have an questions or need help click here to contact the NCSG secretariat.
Welcome and enjoy!