Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC)
NPOC is an ICANN Constituency within the Non-Commercial Stakeholders' Group (NCSG), a part of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO).
The purpose of the NPOC is to represent, specifically, the operational concerns related to service delivery of not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations who are domain registrants in the DNS.
NPOC focuses on the impact of DNS policies and their effects on the operational readiness and implementation of non-commercial missions and objectives. NPOC members rely on the Internet and DNS policies to provide valuable services to their communities.
NPOC engages the ICANN community on how proposed and existing policies and initiatives may uniquely impact the operations of not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations and the delivery of their mission-related services. Such not-for-profit and non-governmental organizational perspectives on operational concerns include domain name registration, expansion of the DNS, fraud and abuse, using the DNS to provide and collect information and serve their members and communities.
The operational concerns described above drive how NPOC members actively manage their infrastructure, create and improve internal processes and controls, manage risk, and respond to and respect the welfare of the communities they represent.
Important NPOC Links:
- NPOC Website:
- NPOC Wiki site: NPOC Home
- NPOC Listserve Public Archives:
- NPOC: Charter
- NPOC Executive Leadership
NPOC's Appointments to the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG)
NCSG Executive Committee | Poncelet Ileleji & Joan Kerr |
NCSG Policy Committee | Poncelet Ileleji |
ICANN Board Approval Motion - 24 June 2011
1.5. Proposal for a Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency in the GNSO
Whereas, the Board has specifically directed that efforts be made to provide leadership and guidance within the GNSO's Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group to encourage the creation of broad, diverse and representative new GNSO Constituencies advancing global non-commercial interests.
Whereas, the Board has received a formal petition for the creation of a Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) within the GNSO.Whereas, the NPOC proposal has been subjected to a two-phase, public process that was instituted as part of the GNSO Improvements Review.
Whereas, staff conducted a Public Comment Forum giving community members the opportunity to review and comment upon the proposed NPOC Charter and the comments submitted in that proceeding were consistently favorable regarding the NPOC proposal.
Whereas, this new GNSO Constituency will expand participation in GNSO policy development efforts by formally recognizing a vibrant new community that will represent the non-commercial perspective of not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations who are registrants and users of domain names.
Resolved (2011.06.24.05), the Board approves the proposed charter of the new Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency and formally recognizes the organization as an official Constituency within the GNSO's Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) eligible for formal GNSO administrative support and subject to the NCSG Charter approved by the Board.
Resolved (2011.06.24.06), the Board thanks Debra Y. Hughes, appointed by the Board to the GNSO Council, for her leadership in helping to establish this new Constituency.
Rationale for Resolutions 2011.06.24.05 – 2011.06.24.06
The promotion of new GNSO Constituencies was one of the fundamental recommendations of the GNSO Review effort and an important intentional strategy to expand participation in GNSO policy development efforts. The approval of a new GNSO Constituency will impact the ICANN budget by increasing administrative support of community activities during ICANN Public meetings and throughout the year. This is within the parameters of the proposed FY12 budget and no substantial additional budget resources will be impacted by the approval of this new Constituency. This new additional organizational structure will not have any technical impact on the security, stability or resiliency of the DNS.