IANA CWG Meeting #75 (21 January @ 16:00 UTC)
Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkeruis, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Paul Kane, Wanawit Ahkuputra (10)
Participants: Alan Greenberg, Alissa Cooper, Allan MacGillivray, Andrew Sullivan, Chuck Gomes, Jorge Cancio, Maarten Simon, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Megan Richards, Sabine Meyer, Suzanne Woolf (13)
Staff: Akram Atallah, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings, Trang Nguyen, Xavier Calvez, Yuko Green
Apologies: Seun Ojedeji, Avri Doria
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
1. Opening Remarks
2. Implementation Update
4. CCWG-Accountability
5. ICANN Bylaws relating to CWG-Stewardship
6. AOB
7. Closing Remarks
1. Opening Remarks
- Primary objectives of the call are 1) update on implementation from ICANN staff, 2) confirming plan for IPR work, 3) co-ordination with CCWG-Accountability, 4) work on the Bylaws.
- Call may not take 2 hours
2. Implementation Update
- See slides provided by staff
- May need to consider role of staff in the implementation of IANA IPR - could be considered under item 3
- What is the status of the collection of statistics to measure SLEs? Intended to be provided by the middle December - did not meet
that deadline. Now foreseen for end of January (on track). Preliminary report from contractor is being reviewed by staff as it requests
certain assumptions to be validated.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to consider the role of ICANN staff in the implementation of IANA IPR issues
- Discussed in December as well as previous meeting. Functional neutrality (owner must operate in such a way that control is not
steered by one of the operational communities over the exclusion of others) deemed acceptable based on those discussions, not
necessary to create a whole new entity, logical option is to use the IETF Trust provided no substantial issues emerge in the future. - Confirm that there are no objections to this approach. No objections received so the CWG-Stewardship will proceed on this basis.
- Discuss how the different operational communities can collaborate on the implementation of this solution. Utilize the group that has
been operating to co-ordinate on this topic consisting of representatives of the different operational communities, plus Greg and
Chairs of CWG-Stewardship. Objective is to flesh out the principle and example terms under which the different
communities would have their relationships with the IETF Trust in relation to IANA IPR. Group has agreed to make all of its
future email conversations public. Notes of previous meetings have been circulated. Target is to reach agreement on high
level principles in advance of submission of the ICG proposal to the NTIA.
4. CCWG-Accountability
- Communicated to CCWG-Accountability that some issues that needed to be worked further including budget and appeal mechanisms.
- CCWG-Accountability is working hard on these issues with staff tracking the implementation and review of CWG-Stewardship
items. Intensive work plan from CCWG-Accountability has resulted in request to CWG-Stewardship Chairs to review progress. CWG-Stewardship have instead suggested to share the documents with the CWG-Stewardship list to allow for input by the whole
group, noting that turn around time is short. - Budget item has already had its second reading - 3 responses received from the group which all have been sent to the CCWG-Accountability. Chairs suggest that Chuck as Chair of DT-O connects with the CCWG-Accountability leads on this topic (Jordan Carter and Jonathan Zuck) who are now tasked with writing the revised language
in the proposal. Chuck agreed to take on this task. - Staff is working on a document that is tracking the CWG-Stewardship requirements which was presented during the meeting.
Consider adding a column on the end to be able to note concerns or suggestions. - Becky Burr has reached out to some of the RySG participants on the IRP question. Community needs to have the ability through
the community mechanisms to use the IRP if the PTI does not deliver on its obligations. Proposed bylaw changes currently do not
refer to PTI (that ICANN is required to enforce contract with PTI). Could consider suggesting making the language more specific.
Critical to be clear on what requirements are, but need to be careful to not open this up to redesign, need to be consistent with
original recommendations and escalation mechanisms provided - only if those do not work, independent review needs to be available.
Action item: Staff to distribute CG tracking of CCWG work to the mailing list. CWG-Stewardship to review and provide input.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review current wording in relation to IRP for suitability and communicate feedback to the CCWG-Accountability as soon as possible. Chairs to circulate current wording to the list.
Action item: Take input on list as to the requirements for the IPR consistent with prior work and recommendations to the CCWG-Accountability.
5. ICANN Bylaws relating to CWG-Stewardship
- Design team leads contributed to the answers provided to Sidley where possible. Staff identified questions that were still left
open and requiring CWG-Stewardship review. First reading of the document during this meeting, with second reading foreseen for the next meeting. - Risk to embody stuff in bylaws that should be dealt with elsewhere such as statement of work and contract between ICANN and PTI.
- Answers to questions provide comprehensive view of the intended outcome - Sidley will review this and is expected to developed
a slimmed down version of the Bylaws based on the input provided.
Action item: Staff to circulate overview of questions and draft responses on the draft Bylaws to the CWG-Stewardship.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review document and provide input on list.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to ensure that bylaws derived from the work of the CWG-Stewardship are appropriately sized and fit for purpose.
6. AOB
- Next meetin scheduled for Thursday 4 February at 16.00 UTC.
- Update on status of replacement of ccNSO member? To be communicated shortly.
7. Closing Remarks
Action Items
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to consider the role of ICANN staff in the implementation of IANA IPR issues
Action item: Staff to distribute CG tracking of CCWG work to the mailing list. CWG-Stewardship to review and provide input.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review current wording in relation to IRP for suitability and communicate feedback to the CCWG-Accountability as soon as possible. Chairs to circulate current wording to the list.
Action item: Take input on list as to the requirements for the IPR consistent with prior work and recommendations to the CCWG-Accountability.
Action item: Staff to circulate overview of questions and draft responses on the draft Bylaws to the CWG-Stewardship.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to review document and provide input on list.
Action item: CWG-Stewardship to ensure that bylaws derived from the work of the CWG-Stewardship are appropriately sized and fit for purpose.
- Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p318evmxcyg/
- MP3 recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/stewardship-transition/cwg-iana-21jan16-en.mp3
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (1/21/2016 09:26) Good day all and welcome to CWG Stewardship Meeting #75 on 21 January, 2016 at 16:00 UTC!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (09:56) hi all
Martin Boyle, Nominet: (09:57) Hi
Allan MacGillivray: (09:58) Good day!
Lise Fuhr: (09:58) Hello All
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (10:00) Evening. I might have to drop of after an hour for another call...
Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (10:01) Hello everyone!
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (10:01) Hello to all.
Matthew Shears: (10:02) Hello
Akram: (10:03) hello everyone
jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): (10:03) hi all
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (10:06) No sound on this end. Will retry
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (10:07) Sound!
andrew sullivan: (10:07) apologies for tardiness; this is scheduled in conflict with IESG
Paul Kane: (10:13) Thanks Trang - Loo
Matthew Shears: (10:13) very nice tracking charts
Brenda Brewer: (10:29) CCWG Wiki page with Docs: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/acctcrosscomm/pages/97719007/Final+Report
Grace Abuhamad: (10:30) @Paul -- Here is the link to thte email that Lise sent with the documents for review : http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/cwg-stewardship/2016-January/004607.html
Paul Kane: (10:30) Thanks Brenda - could you also send the docs to the CWG Stewardship list so all can revew....
Grace Abuhamad: (10:31) We will send updated documents at the end of this week
Matthew Shears: (10:31) such a tabulation would be very welcome
Paul Kane: (10:32) Thanks Grace. I just want all CWG members to have time to review ..... and comment. I don't want to be bounced into a solution :-) The ccTLD Community would never forgive me!!
Matthew Shears: (10:32) is there a link to the doc on the screen
Grace Abuhamad: (10:32) not yet @Matthew. I just developped this and hope to present it on call before circulating
Matthew Shears: (10:32) OK thanks Grace
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (10:34) The table is very helpful. Thanks.
Alan Greenberg: (10:34) I'm afraid I need to leave now. Looks like good work going on here.
Matthew Shears: (10:35) this is very helpful
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (10:37) Yes Thanks Grace *very helpful* indeed...
Paul Kane: (10:37) Thanks Grace - that would be useful, we need time to review
Matthew Shears: (10:37) if you could add a comments column on the end for us to be able to note concerns or suggestions that might be useful
Grace Abuhamad: (10:39) Ok will do.
Matthew Shears: (10:40) Are we sure that the IRP as currently envisioned suited for appeals related to PTI/IANA performance and other matters
Grace Abuhamad: (10:41) My view and understanding is that this is something that can be and will be linked through the ICANN and PTI Bylaws.
Paul Kane: (10:42) Good point Chuck. @ Matthew +1 if PTI/IANA are not delivering exemplary performance it impacts operation of the Registry and needs to be fixed asap - much faster than IRP
Matthew Shears: (10:42) then we have to ask what we are seeking of an appeals process and whether the IRP is suited
Jonathan Robinson: (10:43) @Matthew. It may not be at face value but to me the key will be (as Grace points out) that we direct AND effectively implement. I like the idea of being clear what our requirement is / requirements are.
Matthew Shears: (10:43) agree
Matthew Shears: (10:48) + 1Jonathan
Matthew Shears: (10:54) propbably have to look at most of the paras in rec 7 in terms of standing panel expertise, timeline, etc, as well
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:54) What happens if it is not consistent?
Matthew Shears: (10:55) we need to communicate that very quickly as the rest of the review on IRP is done I believe
Grace Abuhamad: (10:56) I will send this document to the mailing list after the call
Matthew Shears: (10:57) is there a link to the text that these page #s refer to
Grace Abuhamad: (11:01) Yes, It's the Sidley Draft Bylaws document from 7 November.
Grace Abuhamad: (11:01) I'll get the link for you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (11:01) very helpful Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (11:02) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/98471767/Draft%20Bylaws%207%20November.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1448551198000&api=v2
Matthew Shears: (11:02) thanks Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (11:08) The Sidley document is very long and I couldn't figure out a way to merge both our responses and their document without creating a super long document... Theirs is 60 pages. To keep our response table short, I constructed it noting duplicated in the 2nd column. When reviewing, it's best to have both documents open, but eventually you'll only need the response document
Paul Kane: (11:09) Yes - I think there is a replacement
Paul Kane: (11:09) TBC - will do
Allan MacGillivray: (11:09) There has been no announcment yet of the ccNSO replacement.
Chuck Gomes (RySG): (11:09) Thanks everyone.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (11:09) thanks everyone... talk again soon, bye for now...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:10) The efficiency is thanks to yu co-Chairs + Staff. Well done!
Matthew Shears: (11:10) thanks!
Paul Kane: (11:10) Thanks - bye all ...
Lise Fuhr: (11:10) thank you - bye for now
Maarten Simon: (11:10) bye all
Martin Boyle, Nominet: (11:10) Thanks chairs, staff, all & bye
Allan MacGillivray: (11:10) Bye all
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC): (11:10) Bye all!
andrew sullivan: (11:10) thanks!
Sabine Meyer (GAC - Germany): (11:10) thanks everyone!
Greg Shatan: (11:10) Thank you all!
jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): (11:10) bye all