SSAC Approval

SSAC Approval

Lise, Jonathan,


As chair of the SSAC I have the privilege to deliver SAC-072 to you which is the response from SSAC on this question.

In short (excerpt from SAC-072 executive summary, full text is in the document): 


The SSAC finds that the recommendations in SAC 069 are satisfied by the CWG proposal.

The SSAC therefore:

1. Thanks the CWG for its hard work on developing its proposal for consideration by the chartering organizations;

2. Wishes to continue to participate in the dialogue until the CWG work officially concludes;

3. Approves the CWG Proposal (11 June 2015 version), with comments.

4. Understands that the CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal is dependent on the ICANN-level accountability mechanisms being developed by the CCWG- Accountability (Work Stream 1).

5. Welcomes and will consider the CWG’s invitation to SSAC to participate in the proposed post-transition IANA structures.


   Patrik Fältström

   SSAC Chair

Link to PDF: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-072-en.pdf

PDF: SAC072 SSAC Comment on the Cross Community Working Group on Naming Related Functions Proposal.pdf