IANA CWG Meeting #28 (12 March)
Members: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Erick Iriarte, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Staffan Jonson, Wanawit Ahkuputra (13)
Participants: Allan MacGillivray, Christopher Wilkinson, Chuck Gomes, Gary Hunt, Guru Acharya, James Gannon, Joerg Schweiger, Jorge Cancio, Maarten Simon, Matthew Shears, Paul Szyndler, Peter Van Roste, Pitinan Kooarmornpatana, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Stephanie Duchesneau, Steve Crocker, Suzanne Woolf, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Wale Bakare, Yasuichi Kitamura (19)
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Marika Konings
Apologies: Alan Greenberg, Martin Boyle, Seun Ojediji, Donna Austin
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Proposed Agenda:
1. Opening Remarks
2. Proposal 2.1
3. Design Teams
a. Finalize DT list
b. Update on DT-A (Paul Kane)
c. Update on DT-B (Allan MacGillivray)
d. Update on DT-C (Staffan Jonson)
e. Comission additional DTs
4. Principles
5. Update from Client Committee
6. AOB
7. Closing Remarks
Action Items
Action (Robert & Cheryl): suggest text to fill out sections 4 and 5 of proposal (Wiki will serve as basis)
Action (Grace): Add Matthew and James to DT-L
Action (Cheryl): start to work on DT-D (Jaap as well)
Action (Staff): Put out call for lead for DT-F
Action (all): sign up for DTs on mailing list
Action (Grace): add Chuck, Avri, and Staffan to DT-M
Action (Staff): Add Red Team at end of DT list to to examine whether there are any issues with respect to meeting NTIA's criteria, particularly with respect to security and stability and prevention of capture. This is a particular form of stress testing
Action (Avri): Start to work on DT-N (provisional lead)
Action (Martin): work with key principles people to resolve before Tuesday call
Action (Avri): Review the work of the CWG and the communications between CCWG/CWG to ensure that the interdependencies are up to date
1. Opening Remarks
F2F is a little over a week -- 7 day hard sprint
DTs need to work hard and fast (please get involved)
2. Proposal 2.1
- Goal is have proposal comparable to the other proposals and responds to RFP
- Kurt Pritz suggested DT map (uploaded in AC): goes through 4 oversight tasks -- monitor IANA performance; authorization function; approve IANA operations changes; designates IANA provider.
- For 'monitor IANA performance' looks like CWG can address the whole column
- Sections 4&5 are light. Would be helpful if the RFP leads could assist in filling those sections out since there was work done on these sections pre-Singapore
Action (Robert & Cheryl): suggest text to fill out sections 4 and 5 of proposal (Wiki will serve as basis)
3. Design Teams
a. Finalize DT list
Action (Grace): Add Matthew and James to DT-L
b. Update on DT-A (Paul Kane) --> Not on the line
c. Update on DT-B (Allan MacGillivray)
d. Update on DT-C (Staffan Jonson)
Staff can assist wil drafting intial content so that groups can edit/modify
e. Comission additional DTs
Action (Cheryl): start to work on DT-D (Jaap as well)
Action (Staff): Put out call for lead for DT-F
Action (all): sign up for DTs on mailing list
Action (Grace): add Chuck, Avri, and Staffan to DT-M
Action (Staff): Add Red Team at end of DT list to to examine whether there are any issues with respect to meeting NTIA's criteria, particularly with respect to security and stability and prevention of capture. This is a particular form of stress testing
Action (Avri): Start to work on DT-N (provisional lead)
Action (staff): rename DT-L for greater clarity
7 day sprint!
4. Principles
Note: Andrew Sullivan made changes but they are not included in this version
Outstanding issues:
- 7.2
- 10
- footnote 1 paragraph 5.ii
Action (Martin): work with key principles people to resolve before Tuesday call
5. Update from Client Committee
- Questions for Sidley (law firm) should be sent through CWG mailing list (marked for Client committee)
- Role of the Committee is an interface between the CWG and the Law firm
- Overwhelming support for having 1 or more of the Sidley team present in Istanbul (94% in quick CWG poll)
- Two objectives: 1) observing and getting sense of group; 2) have substantive interaction with the group
6. AOB
Avri: Do we need another communication to the Accountability CCWG, refining any of our issues and dependencies?
Action (Avri): Review the work of the CWG and the communications between CCWG/CWG to ensure that the interdependencies are up to date
As a reminder, the past note, with some comments pending from January is at <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c4Eab_fZMCQeeYvhy8OcE6f_PqhGza2qW4-UgFn8Pvc/edit?usp=sharing> it is opne for comments/suggested edits.
7. Closing Remarks
Transcript CWG IANA #28 12 MARCH.doc
Transcript CWG IANA #28 12 MARCH.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p9p7fx0or3m/
The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-cwg-iana-12mar15-en.mp3
Documents Presented
CWG - Draft Transition Plan - V2.1.pdf
Draft of Principles - updated 11 March.pdf
CWG Design Teams - Status 11 March 2015.pdf
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Good Day and welcome to the CWG IANA Meeting #28 call at 11:00 UTC.
Jonathan Robinson:Hello everyone
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Morning all.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:good day everyone
Yasuichi Kitamura:hi, all
Staffan Jonson:Hi All
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Yes
Maarten Simon, SIDN:good day
Lise Fuhr:Hello from DK
jorge cancio GAC:hello all
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC) (SSAC):Hi all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr 2:Hi all
Steve Crocker:Hello, everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:Hi Steve
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Can we make sure everyone not a presenter is muted? =)
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Good morning/afternoon/evening, all.
Gary Hunt UK Govt.:Good day to you all!
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Morning Greg/Gary, everyone had their coffe this morning =)
Avri Doria:i have an AOB item: Do we need another communication to the Accountability CCWG, refining any of our issues and dependencies?
Avri Doria:... or perhaps an updated communication.
Grace Abuhamad:Noted
Grace Abuhamad:thanks @Avri
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Good tool to help guide the discussions
jorge cancio GAC:looks quite useful to follow discussions
jorge cancio GAC:thanks to Kurt
Chuck Gomes (RySG):+1 on Kurt's contribution.
Grace Abuhamad:It's like an issue tracker? :)
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Gives a solid structure for where there might be overlap or consolidation or breakout of DTs aswell
Staffan Jonson:We have similar structure for the CSC for keeping trackof issues. Hopefully it will work!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:The Wiki work archove the various RFP's 4 & % include still stands as bassis work of course @Jonathan
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:sorry anout the typos :-(
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:Agreeed
Staffan Jonson:Sorry, see that now!
Matthew Shears:Is DT L the DT that has to look at the 4 page transiton document on the procedures under C 7
Matthew Shears:of the current contract?
Jonathan Robinson:@Matthew. Yes, that is my understanding. It needs renaiming to make the link clearer
Matthew Shears:OK - happy to work on that
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):That DT prob needs to start soon as the existing plan seems extremely light with very little actual detail in it
Matthew Shears:@ James - compltely agree
Staffan Jonson:Some 14 hours ago Marika confirmed DT 3 or DTC - CSC members:• Donna Austin (gTLD Registry) - lead• Staffan Johnson (ccTLD Registry) - co-lead• Stephanie Duchesneau – gTLD Registry• Martin Boyle – ccTLD registry• Kurt Pritz – GNSO• Sarah Falvey – gTLD Registry
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):I'll put my name in the hat for that if neesed, I have experience with Disaster R3ecovery planning so I can probably give some input of use.
Grace Abuhamad:@James for DT-L?
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Yes Grace please
Grace Abuhamad:ok noted
Staffan Jonson:Mhh
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Thanks Grace
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:I can start eith t=DT-D work net week
Lise Fuhr:Perfect Cheryl
Chuck Gomes (RySG):I will work on getting at least one more volunteer for DT-M (Escalation) from the RySG; we need a couple people from ccTLDs and a volunteer that is not from a registry.
Avri Doria:i will also volunteer to work on M.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Thanks very much Avri.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Thanks Staffan.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:Importsnt point @Chuck
Avri Doria:I think M is largely what happens at the interface of C.
Steve Crocker:Looking ahead a bit, as the specifics of the proposal come together, I suggest structuring some form of red team analysis to examine whether there are any issues with respect to meeting NTIA's criteria, particularly with respect to security and stability and prevention of capture. This is a particular form of stress testing.
Steve Crocker:The results of red team testing can be fed back to the desing teams and working group.
Grace Abuhamad:I don't have mailing lists for all DTs yet. I will create them today. Please start to work off list or on main CWG list, and I'll get you signed up on your own list within 24h (this is for DT-L; DT-D, DT-F)
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):C and M are related the way an elevator is related to the floors it stops at.
Lise Fuhr:@Steve that is also what is included in RFP4
Avri Doria:I am intersted in N
Avri Doria:provisionally
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Sold to AV
Chuck Gomes (RySG):If we can get a couple ccTLD volunteers for M we can get started this week.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Several DTs including M and C could benefit from an IANA team volunteer; is staff coordinating that?
Matthew Shears:+ 1 - same for DT L
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Agreed with AMtthew
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Actually we only need one more ccTLD volunteer for M because Staffan volunteered.
Grace Abuhamad:We are not currently, but could reach out per requests
Grace Abuhamad:@Chuck
jorge cancio GAC:one question (perhaps on agenda point 5): on design team L, there is a reminder that it is "pending legal advice". How will that advice be sought, i.e. how and through which procedure will be the questions formulated?
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):@Jorge I would think that the DT can formulate the gernal questions and bring them to the Client COmmitte to be passed onto Sidley, Greg can maybe give more detail in dection 5 as you say
Grace Abuhamad:Yes -- doc in unsynced
Jonathan Robinson:@Jorge. I thought that originally but think it less so now. I feel that DT-L is more about the check-list and critical mechanics regardless of the legal structure or entity to whom the function is to be transferred.
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):@HJohnathan, for DT-L I think it can/might be kept as close to being a techniocal document/plan almost likle a disaster recovery plan, how to move not getting into wether or whom it should be moved to
jorge cancio GAC:thanks - in that case the question remains how legal advice questions will be formulated before putting them to Sidley, right?
Matthew Shears:Agree James
Jonathan Robinson:@James. Exactly. That's a good analogy and deals with the natural "Stress Test" question which may follow
Erick Iriarte Ahon:i'm ok with the new version )
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):+1 Johnathan
Erick Iriarte Ahon:@grace please add my name to team M to start :)
Jonathan Robinson:@Grace. Please note action to rename DT-L for greater clarity
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Good point from Avri on 'should' v. 'must'.
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):+1 Avri
Matthew Shears:+ 1 Avri - would prefer "must"
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):+1 to Avri.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):It looks like we are ready to go for M. If we get an IANA or former IANA member that would be a plus but I think we are ready to go once we have a list.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:+1 Avri: re: must
Brenda Brewer:Seun sends apologies
Chuck Gomes (RySG):@ Jonathan & Lise - Please let us know as soon as possible when you approve M.
Christopher Wilkinson (CW):FN 1: I prefer the original text, (referring to ICANN)
Jonathan Robinson:@Chuck - On M approval. Will turn that around ASAP. Most likely today. Very keen to get these moving and refine scope en route as necessary.
Matthew Shears:I like that - giving the word!
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Grace: Guru Acharya had expressed interest in DT-L aswell onlist can we make sure he gets added aswell
Matthew Shears:yes we should as he secured the doc
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Yep was just goin back though the list discussion on it there I've sent a generic call for interest to the list aswell
jorge cancio GAC:could you please post the link to this scoping document?
Grace Abuhamad:Materials from call here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/yY-eBQ
Grace Abuhamad:@Jorge -- the document is on the meeting page from yesterday. Also, all drafts are posted here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYHeBQ
Steve Crocker:With apology, I need to break off. I will try to call in again from the car. I will not be in the room.
Grace Abuhamad:No, suggest that those be sent to CWG plenary list
Grace Abuhamad:@Greg
Grace Abuhamad:more transparent :)
jorge cancio GAC:thanks, Grace
jorge cancio GAC:sorry, perhaps I missed that thread, but these questions have been drafted according to what procedure? apologies for my ignorance.
Matthew Shears:I think the sooner Sidley are fully engaged the better
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):The potential value outweighs the costs involved
Chuck Gomes (RySG):In person participation in Istanbul would be helpful if the person who attends can cover most of the issues; remote participation might be okay.
Avri Doria:i tink 1 f2f may be enough with others doing some remote partiaption in specific meetings aas appropriate. At least one needs to have the organic understanding only f2f can bring.
Christopher Wilkinson (CW):Could we please have the 'issues for Independent Legal Advice' document on the List. Thankyou.
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):I would think that Sidley wont be giving ad-hoc legal advice on the spot in Istanbul I would more reccomend looking at it in the way of what sessions should we have Sidley present and activly enganging with
Grace Abuhamad:@CW: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYHeBQ
Grace Abuhamad:all drafts are posted at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYHeBQ
Matthew Shears:+ 1 Avri
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:Agree ttally @avri
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:totally *sigh*
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Agree Jonathan. Holly would be good.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Well said Greg.
Avri Doria:i can continue to tend the document with staff support.
Avri Doria:i will be there the whole week.
Jonathan Robinson:Thank-you Avri
Grace Abuhamad:I think this is the meeting Greg is referribg to: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/YgfTBQ
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/acctcrosscomm/pages/97716066/Legal+SubTeam+Meeting+2+10+March
Avri Doria:as a reminder, the past note, with some comments pending from January is at <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c4Eab_fZMCQeeYvhy8OcE6f_PqhGza2qW4-UgFn8Pvc/edit?usp=sharing> it is opne for comments/suggested edits.
Lise Fuhr:Thank you Jonathan
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:bye all
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):@Grace, yes -- different link, same destination.
James Gannon (NCUC/NCSG):Thanks all
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Thanks all.
Staffan Jonson:Thank You all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC-APRegional Member:Thanks all... Talk soon... Bye
Erick Iriarte Ahon:bye
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):Bye all
Allan MacGillivray:Good day all.
Matthew Shears:thanks!
Maarten Simon, SIDN:bye
Greg Shatan (GNSO/CSG/IPC):Bye all
Christopher Wilkinson (CW):B'ye - CW
Gary Hunt UK Govt.:Goodbye all!