Motions 2025-01-09

Motions 2025-01-09


Motion to Confirm GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) Members and Leadership for 2025

Submitted by: Nacho Amadoz


  1. The GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) is tasked, as requested by the GNSO Council, to 1), where applicable, prepare and issue calls for applications related to the selection or nomination of candidates for ICANN structures such as ICANN review teams, 2) review and evaluate all relevant applicants/candidates, 3) rank candidates and make selection/appointment recommendations for review and approval by Council and 4) communicate selections to all interested parties.
  2. The membership of the SSC is reconfirmed annually.
  3. Following reconfirmation each year, the SSC selects a Chair and one or two Vice Chair(s) from its membership.
  4. The SSC selected a leadership team for 2025, which it submitted for confirmation to the GNSO Council by way of this motion:
  • Karen Day to serve for a second term as Chair.
  • Segunfunmi Olajide to serve for a second term as Vice Chair.


  1. The GNSO Council confirms the SSC membership and leadership team for 2025:
    • Karen Day to serve for a second term as Chair.
    • Segunfunmi Olajide to serve for a second term as Vice Chair.
  2. The GNSO Council requests that ICANN org Support Staff inform SSC that the membership and leadership team has been confirmed.
  3. The GNSO Council thanks the members, Chair, and Vice Chair for volunteering to serve on the SSC.