Board Readiness Small Team 2024-2025

Board Readiness Small Team 2024-2025

The GNSO Council small team is formed to develop a strategic communications plan to proactively promote policy and other GNSO Council priorities.

Start date: 01 August 2024

End date: 

Mailing list archives

Bruna Martins dos Santos
Jennifer Chung
Justine Chew
Kurt Pritz
Prudence Malinki
Susan Payne
Thomas Rickert 
Tomslin Samme-Nlar
Nacho amadoz

ICANN org support: John Emery, Caitlin Tubergen

 2024 Meetings
Wednesday, 07 August 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. Project goal discussion
  2. Discussion of general approach that will include
    1. Consideration of the staff report
    2. Understanding whether improvements in Board readiness can be made and how to develop 
  3. Meeting cadence, timing and other admin issues


Wednesday, 11 September 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


Wednesday, 18 September 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. Draft letter to ICANN Board
  2. Discuss who to interview
  3. Discuss questions for interview

Wednesday, 25 September 2024


12:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


Wednesday, 02 October 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


oFirst interviews 9 Oct (Kurt, Thomas)

oEPDP interviews commence week of 14 Oct

  • Interviewer selection
  • First interview planning
Wednesday, 09 October 202411:30 UTC

Zoom Recording


Wednesday, 16 October 202411:30 UTC

Zoom Recording (n/a)


1. Conduct test interview with Thomas

2. Review of (Kurt’s) interview from a process standpoint

3. Status of responses to our invitations

4. Review slides for GNSO Council update

Wednesday, 23 October 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. Prep for the Thomas interview 
  2. Review of the information packet that is to be sent to the interviewees,  (Footnote 1 below)
  3. Methodology for arranging the interviews. (Footnote 2 below)
  4. Interview of Thomas
Wednesday, 30 October 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. Debrief and Lessons Learned from Interview with Thomas
    1. Read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hu8NF4OnHIXD8yiUxoV_Zamgxk8X7RZGKFSnM8qeqik/edit?tab=t.0 [docs.google.com]
    2. Substance: What did we learn? 
    3. Process: Should we amend questions or approach?
  2. Information packet ready for mailing to EPDP Phase I interviewees (attached)
    1. Cover email
    2. Packet
    3. Should we set up interviews for Istanbul (talk me down from the tree, but I say yes!)
  3. Remaining items to send other information packets
    1. Refreshers: EPDP Phase II; SubPro
    2. Invitees: SubPro
  4. What to do about those not responding to invitations
  5. Status: Board Participation
Monday, 02 December 202419:00 UTC


Interview with Alan Greenberg
Wednesday, 04 December 202418:00 UTC


Interview with Marc Anderson
Monday, 09 December 202421:00 UTC


Interview with Stephanie Perrin (didn't take place, will be rescheduled for 2025)
Wednesday, 18 December 202412:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. A review of the results of our interviews so far
  2. Moving forward with additional reviews
  3. Response to communication from the Board
 2025 Meetings
Wednesday, 08 January 202512:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. Scheduling final EPDP Phase I interview and scheduling EPDP Phase II interviews. I have only issued two invitations; please take look at the Phase II roster and think about 2-3 additional invitees. I have attached the roster spreadsheet. 
  2. Planning for SubPro interviews. We need (both formidable jobs): 
    1. PDP summary and rejected recommendations for the information packet
    2. The roster - or maybe the roster of those that were active by some measure, say attendance level
  3. Staff has put together a summary of the interviews conducted to date. You can find them at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eo-sE5YXSp_hrA3_VITAOILGxsvPV6zFmoJ4mU5rAqI/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]. Each (E)PDP will have its own tab as we progress with the interviews. Particular points you might consider 
    1. Do we like this format?
    2. Are these of sufficiently high quality that we can share them with the interviewee? If not, the only path I see is for each note taker to listen to the recording and “upgrade” the detail or the language. That is a big job. (Caitlin: can you have each set of individual notes ready for viewing if we need them; are they posted in the wiki?
    3. Thomas’ interview notes has some “blanks.” This is because the interviewer (me) deviated from the script. Thomas, can you remember the points you made pertaining to the questions? I think Prudence took the notes. If that’s the case, Prudence, can you review your notes to see if there are answers to the questions, even if they are out of order?
  4. Prep for Council update, slides attached for your review. The slides include a revised reply to the Board regarding their position on answering the questions as a group. 

1. EPDP I & II rosters for agenda item 1. 
2. Note summaries at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eo-sE5YXSp_hrA3_VITAOILGxsvPV6zFmoJ4mU5rAqI/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]
3. Slide deck for Council. 
Wednesday, 22 January 2025 13:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


  1. SubPro Interview Packet Suggestions?
  2. Email Confirmations – volunteers to follow up?
    1. Laureen Kapin
    2. Brian King
    3. Alan Woods
  3. Select SubPro interviewees
  4. Ideas for speeding up the interviewing process
Wednesday, 19 February 202514:00 UTC

Zoom Recording


1) Finishing the Information Packet for SubPro interviews

2) Selection of Board members to interview for the Registration Data EPDPs

3) A better process for scheduling interviews

4) Interview status: For EPDP Phase 2

Tuesday, 25 February 202519:00 UTC


Interview with Amr Elsadr

Wednesday, 26 February 202514:00 UTC


Interview with Susan Payne

Tuesday, 04 March 202514:00 UTC


Interview with Chris Lewis-Evans

Wednesday, 05 March 202514:00 UTC


Interview with Alan Woods

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