Motions 2023-12-21

Motions 2023-12-21

Motion - Confirmation of Registration Data Request Service Standing Committee Chair

Submitted by:  Greg DiBiase

Seconded by:  Nacho Amadoz 


  1. On 24 September 2020, the Generic Names Supporting Organization Council (GNSO Council or Council) voted to approve all of the recommendations in its Final Report on the Expedited Policy Development Process on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data (EPDP) Phase 2.
  2. On 25 March 2021, the ICANN Board directed the President and CEO, or their designee(s), to proceed with the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for GNSO Council-approved recommendations 1-18 from the EPDP Phase 2 Final Report on the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD).
  3. On 20 January 2022, the Council considered a proposed approach for analyzing the Operational Design Assessment (ODA) on the Standardized System for Access/Disclosure (SSAD) from EPDP on the Temporary Specification Phase 2.
  4. The Council agreed that a small team of Council members with the support of EPDP Team Phase 2 representatives would be best positioned to analyze the ODA and provide guidance to the Council on possible next steps.
  5. On 25 January 2022, ICANN organization (ICANN org) published its Operational Design Assessment (ODA) of the SSAD.
  6. Sebastien Ducos volunteered to the lead the small team effort beginning on 9 February 2022.
  7. Following the small team’s review and assessment of the ODA, the ICANN Board directed ICANN org to “proceed to develop and launch the System as soon as possible” on 27 February.
  8. The ICANN Board also directed ICANN org “to continue to engage with the Phase 2 Small Team throughout the development and operation of the System, and ensure periodic publication of the collected usage data, once operational".
  9. The small team continued meeting under the leadership of Sebastien Ducos through 4 December 2023.
  10. On 21 September 2023, the GNSO Council voted to approve the Charter for Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee to help inform the next steps on the SSAD policy recommendations.
  11. The Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) launched on 28 November 2023, and the RDRS Standing Committee will begin meeting in January 2024 to review metrics associated with the RDRS. Sebastien Ducos indicated a willingness to continue in the role of Chair, and no objections were submitted.


  1. The GNSO Council hereby confirms Sebastien Ducos as the Chair of the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee.
  2. The GNSO Council thanks Sebastien Ducos for his continued service and requests the GNSO Secretariat to communicate this decision to Sebastien Ducos.

Motion for GNSO Council Review of ICANN78 GAC Communiqué

Submitted by:  Greg DiBiase

Seconded by:  Manju Chen


  1. The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) advises the ICANN Board on issues of public policy, and especially where there may be an interaction between ICANN's activities or policies and national laws or international agreements. It usually does so as part of a Communiqué, which is published towards the end of every ICANN meeting.
  2. The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) is responsible for developing and recommending to the ICANN Board substantive policies relating to generic top-level domains.
  3. The GNSO Council has expressed a desire to provide feedback to the ICANN Board on issues in the GAC Communiqué as these relate to generic top-level domains to inform the ICANN Board as well as the broader community of past, present, or future gTLD policy activities that may directly or indirectly relate to Advice provided by the GAC.
  4. The GNSO Council's review of GAC Communiqué Advice and Issues of Importance is intended to further enhance the co-ordination and promote the sharing of information on gTLD related policy activities between the GAC, Board, and the GNSO.


  1. The GNSO Council adopts the GNSO Council Review of the ICANN78 Hamburg, Germany Communiqué Advice and Issues of Importance (see https://gac.icann.org/contentMigrated/icann78-hamburg-communique) and requests that the GNSO Council Chair communicate the GNSO Council Review of ICANN78 GAC Communiqué Advice and Issues of Importance to the ICANN Board.
  2. The GNSO Council requests that the GNSO Liaison to the GAC also informs the GAC of the communication between the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board.

Motion – Adoption of the Expedited Policy Development Process on the Internationalized Domain Names Phase 1 Final Report and Recommendations

Submitted by:  Manju Chen

Seconded by:  Jennifer Chung 


  1. On 20 May 2021, the GNSO Council initiated the Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP-IDNs) and approved its charter.
  2. On 11 August 2021, the EPDP-IDNs Team held its first meeting and started deliberations.
  3. On 17 November 2022, the GNSO Council approved the Project Change Request submitted by the EPDP-IDNs Team to bifurcate its work into two phases, with Phase 1 covering topics related to top-level gTLD definition and variant management and Phase 2 covering issues pertaining to second-level variant management.
  4. The EPDP-IDNs Team has followed all the necessary steps and processes required by the ICANN Bylaws, the GNSO PDP Manual, and the GNSO Working Group Guidelines, including the publication of its Phase 1 Initial Report for Public Comment (from 24 April 2023 to 19 June 2023) and consideration of the public comments received thereto.
  5. The EPDP-IDNs Team has reached Full Consensus on all of its sixty-nine (69) final recommendations documented in the Phase 1 Final Report.
  6. On 08 November 2023, the EPDP-IDNs Team submitted its Phase 1 Final Report to the GNSO Council for its review and action.



  1. The GNSO Council approves, and recommends that the ICANN Board adopt, all sixty-nine (69) final recommendations as documented in the EPDP-IDNs Phase 1 Final Report.
  2. Should the final recommendations be adopted by the ICANN Board, the GNSO Council requests that ICANN org convene an IDN Implementation Review Team, to assist ICANN org in developing the implementation details for the Phase 1 final recommendations and ensure that the resultant implementation conforms to the intent of the approved recommendations. The Implementation Review Team shall operate in accordance with the Implementation Review Team Principles and Guidance approved by the GNSO Council in June 2015.
  3. The GNSO Council thanks the leadership, members, participants, and liaisons to the EPDP-IDNs Team for their commitment and hard work in completing the Phase One effort of this EPDP.

Motion to adopt the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Final Report

Submitted by:  Paul McGrady

Seconded by:  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts


  1. During its meeting on 25 August 2022, the GNSO Council approved the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) Initiation Request to provide additional guidance to support the eventual implementation efforts relating to the Applicant Support Program, as recommended in the New generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Final Report.
  2. Per the GNSO Guidance Process Manual, the GGP “is not expected to create new “Consensus Policy” recommendations including, but not limited to, any new contractual obligations for contracted parties (in which case a Policy Development Process (PDP) would need to be initiated).
  3. The working group was subsequently formed and began its work in November 2022, following its work plan and timeline.
  4. The working group’s tasks included reviewing historical information about applicant support, identifying subject matter experts, developing data and measures of success, and suggesting a methodology for allocating financial support where there is inadequate funding for all qualified applicants.
  5. The working group completed its tasks and posted its Guidance Recommendation Initial Report for Public Comment on 31 July 2023.
  6. The working group deliberated as appropriate to properly evaluate and address comments received during the public comment period.
  7. On 11 December 2023, the working group transmitted its Final Report to the GNSO Council.


  1. The GNSO Council adopts the guidance recommendations as outlined in section 3, Working Group Final Guidance Recommendations.
  2. The GNSO Secretariat, on behalf of the Council, requests that ICANN org ensure that the Next Round implementation team considers these guidance recommendations.
  3. The GNSO Secretariat, on behalf of the Council, thanks the Chair, GNSO Council Liaison, and members of the GGP Applicant Support working group for their hard work and dedication in bringing this important project to completion.