Completed-EPDP 1 Rec 7

Completed-EPDP 1 Rec 7

Develop a Council position paper regarding the path forward for expediting the Thick WHOIS review as envisaged by the EPDP Phase 1 recommendation 27;

Develop a formal response to the IRT (to be communicated by Sebastien); and prepare communication to the ICANN Board regarding expediting the Thick WHOIS review

Start date: 25 November 2020

End date: 21 January 2021

Marie Pattullo
Tatiana Tropina
Pam Little
John McElwaine
Philippe Fouquart
Maxim Alzoba
Carlton Samuels
Olga Cavalli
Sebastien Ducos

Staff support: Caitlin Tubergen and Berry Cobb

 Meeting Recordings
This small team's calls were not recorded