Motions 2022-10-20
Motions 2022-10-20
Approval of the Updated Role Description for the GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)
Submitted by: John McElwaine
Seconded by:
- As part of the discussions within ICANN between the GNSO and GAC on how to facilitate early engagement of the GAC in GNSO policy development activities, the option of appointing a GNSO liaison to the GAC was initially piloted in FY15 and F16, and subsequently confirmed by the GNSO Council as a permanent role at the start of FY17.
- An updated version of the role description was approved by Council on 23 September 2021.
- In preparation for the AGM 2022, the GNSO Council conducted its standard annual review of the role, as described in the role description.
- Over the Council mailing list and during Council meetings on 25 August 2022 and 21 September 2022 Councilors proposed and subsequently agreed to update the term of the GNSO Council Liaison to the GAC to two years with a term limit of two consecutive terms, consistent with the term length and term limit for GNSO Councilors.
- On 3 October 2022, the GNSO Chair shared the revised role description with GAC leadership.
- The GNSO Council hereby approves the updated role description for the GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC).
- The GNSO Council leadership team will inform the GAC leadership team that this updated role description has been approved by the GNSO Council.
Reappointment of GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)
Submitted by: John McElwaine
Seconded by:
- As part of the discussions within ICANN between the GNSO and GAC on how to facilitate early engagement of the GAC in GNSO policy development activities, the option of appointing a GNSO liaison to the GAC was initially piloted in FY15 and F16, and subsequently confirmed by the GNSO Council as a permanent role at the start of FY17.
- The GNSO Council appointed Jeffrey Neuman to the role of GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee for a one-year term on 21 October 2020 and re-appointed him for a second one-year term 27 November 2021, ending at the AGM 2022.
- The GNSO Council has an obligation to review the role annually and reconfirm the appointment unless the review indicates otherwise and/or the Liaison has indicated that he/she is no longer available to continue in this role, in which case a new selection process will take place.
- The GNSO Council has reviewed the annual report prepared by the GNSO Liaison to the GAC and confirmed his interest in continuing in this role.
- The Council has drafted an update to the role description, which it is expected to adopt during the 20 October 2022 Council meeting. This revision updates the term of the GNSO Council Liaison to the GAC to two years with a term limit of two consecutive terms, consistent with the term length and term limit for GNSO Councilors.
- The GNSO Council hereby reappoints Jeffrey Neuman to the role of GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee for a two-year term ending at the ICANN AGM 2024.
- The GNSO Council leadership team will inform the GAC leadership team accordingly, and will co-ordinate with Jeffrey Neuman as well as the GAC leadership team and GAC Secretariat on next steps and the continued successful implementation of this role.
Motion - Confirmation of GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration
Submitted by: Sebastien Ducos
Seconded by:
- The GNSO Council confirmed in September 2022 that the GNSO Chair (currently Sebastien Ducos) will represent the GNSO as the Decisional Participant on the Empowered Community (EC) Administration on an interim basis.
- The GNSO Council leadership team subsequently met to agree who from the Council leadership should perform the role of GNSO representative to the Empowered Community Administration and in accordance with the applicable procedure, mutually agreed that Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice-Chair, would serve in the role.
- The GNSO Council hereby confirms that Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice-Chair will represent the GNSO as the Decisional Participant on the Empowered Community Administration until the end of his term at ICANN78.
- The GNSO representative shall act solely as directed by the GNSO Council in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws and other related GNSO Operating Procedures.
- The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Secretariat to communicate this decision to the ICANN Secretary which will serve as the required written certification from the GNSO Chair designating the individual who shall represent the Decisional Participant on the EC Administration.
Motion to Approve the Candidate for the Position of Chair of the Working Group of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support
Submitted by: Greg DiBiase
Seconded by: Sebastien Ducos
- The GNSO Council discussed and agreed that the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) would serve as an appropriate mechanism to provide additional guidance to support eventual implementation efforts for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) PDP and that the GGP should be limited to the single topic of Applicant Support, with an allowance to add additional scope to the GGP subject to Council vote.
- At its meeting on 25 August 2022 the GNSO Council approved the Initiation Request for the GGP for Applicant Support.
- The Council directed staff to launch a call for expressions of interest (EOI) seeking interested candidates to Chair the Working Group of the GGP for Applicant Support.
- One candidate, Mike Silber, submitted an EOI for Chair of the Working Group.
- The GNSO Council leadership conducted an evaluation of the candidate Mike Silber for Chair of the Working Group of the GGP for Applicant Support.
- The GNSO Council approves Mike Silber as the Chair of the Working Group of the GGP for Applicant Support.
- The GNSO Council directs staff to communicate the results of this motion:
- To Mike Silber, thanking him for his interest and confirming him as Chair of the Working Group of the GGP for Applicant Support;
- to the members of the Working Group.