Motions 2021-11-18

Motions 2021-11-18

Motion - Confirmation of GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration

Submitted by Tomslin Samme-Nlar

Seconded by Desiree Miloshevic


  1. The GNSO Council confirmed in October 2021 that the GNSO Chair (currently Philippe Fouquart) will represent the GNSO as the Decisional Participant on the Empowered Community (EC) Administration on an interim basis.
  2. The GNSO Council leadership team subsequently met to agree who from the Council leadership should perform the role of GNSO representative to the Empowered Community Administration and mutually agreed that Philippe Fouquart would serve in the role.


  1. The GNSO Council hereby confirms that Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair will represent the GNSO as the Decisional Participant on the Empowered Community Administration until the end of his term at ICANN75.
  2. The GNSO representative shall act solely as directed by the GNSO Council in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws and other related GNSO Operating Procedures.
  3. The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Secretariat to communicate this decision to the ICANN Secretary which will serve as the required written certification from the GNSO Chair designating the individual who shall represent the Decisional Participant on the EC Administration


Motion to adopt the GNSO Review of the GAC ICANN72 Virtual Annual General Meeting Communiqué for submission to the ICANN Board

Submitted by: Desiree Miloshevic

Seconded by: Philippe Fouquart


  1. The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) advises the ICANN Board on issues of public policy, and especially where there may be an interaction between ICANN's activities or policies and national laws or international agreements. It usually does so as part of a Communiqué, which is published towards the end of every ICANN meeting.
  2. The GNSO is responsible for developing and recommending to the ICANN Board substantive policies relating to generic top-level domains.
  3. The GNSO Council has expressed a desire to provide feedback to the ICANN Board on issues in the GAC Communiqué as these relate to generic top-level domains to inform the ICANN Board as well as the broader community of past, present or future gTLD policy activities that may directly or indirectly relate to advice provided by the GAC.
  4. The GNSO Council's review of the GAC Communiqué is intended to further enhance the co-ordination and promote the sharing of information on gTLD related policy activities between the GAC, Board and the GNSO.


  1. The GNSO Council adopts the GNSO Council Review of the ICANN72 GAC Communiqué (see https://gac.icann.org/advice/communiques/icann72-gac-communique.pdf) and requests that the GNSO Council Chair communicate the GNSO Council Review of the ICANN72 GAC Communiqué to the ICANN Board.
  2. The GNSO Council requests that the GNSO Liaison to the GAC also informs the GAC of the communication between the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board.

Motion -Approval of the Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee

Submitted by Tomslin Samme-Nlar

Seconded by Desiree Miloshevic


  1. Section 11.3 of the ICANN Bylaws prescribes the number of Council representatives selected from each GNSO Stakeholder Group and three representatives selected by the Nominating Committee.
  2. The Contracted Parties House consists of three members from the Registries Stakeholder Group, three members from the Registrars Stakeholder Group, and one voting member appointed by the ICANN Nominating Committee for a total of seven voting members.
  3. The Non Contracted Parties House consists of six members from the Commercial Stakeholder Group, six members from the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group, and one voting member appointed by the ICANN Nominating Committee to that House for a total of thirteen voting members.
  4. The Nominating Committee reviews applications and selects candidates, taking into account the criteria or guidance provided by the GNSO Council.
  5. The GNSO Council is invited on an annual basis to review the job description and criteria contained in order to better assure that the Nominating Committee selects appointees that is consistent with the intent of the Bylaws in furthering the Council’s roles and responsibilities as the manager of the policy development process of the GNSO.
  6. The GNSO Council has elected to make incremental changes to the job description each year when invited.
  7. Considering that each GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency is represented on the GNSO Council, the role of the Nominating Committee Appointees on the GNSO Council, and the importance of independence and diversity, the Council revised the job description to reflect the traits it is seeking for appointees.


  1. The GNSO Council approves the revised GNSO Councilor job description for use by the 2022 Nominating Committee.
  2. The GNSO Council requests that the GNSO Secretariat provide the updated job description to the ICANN Org staff supporting the Nominating Committee in a timely manner