Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and CSG - ICANN72

Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and CSG - ICANN72

DATE:  Monday, 25 October 2021

TIME: 14:30 - 16:00

ROOM:  Zoom 6


1.  Welcome

2.  Discussion:

  • Input/comments on how you think we (the ICANN Board?) could efficiently identify and work more closely with Governments globally, as well as educate, train and interact when it comes to geopolitical issues relating to ICANN’s mission.
  • The CSG would like to discuss the topic of Reviews, such as CCT, ATRT3 and SSR2.  The CSG is concerned about the high number of  Recommendations that have been delivered to the Board in recent Final Review Reports that have not been approved by the Board.  With respect to those Recommendations that have been approved, we are unclear about the timeline for their implementation and what oversight role the Board sees for itself in the implementation of approved Recommendations, including the prioritization process.  Moreover, we think the entire community would benefit from being given a clearer understanding as to how Recommendations are being prioritized, which particular Recommendations are being prioritized, what the anticipated timeline is for implementation of those Recommendations and who is responsible from ICANN Org staff for leading the work on implementation of particular Recommendations.

3.  AOB