NCSG Open Meeting - ICANN70

NCSG Open Meeting - ICANN70

ICANN70 – NCSG Open Meeting

DATE:  Wednesday, 24 March 2021

TIME:  10:30 - 12:00

ROOM: Zoom 5


15h30 UTC - Welcome and Introductions

 Bruna Martins dos Santos (2-3 mins)

15h35 UTC - NCUC and NPOC updates

 Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix & Raoul Plommer (10 mins)

15h40 UTC -  Policy and Council updates - perspectives, contexts and opportunities

Tatiana Tropina and Tomslin Samme-Nlar (15 mins)

15h55 UTC - Continuation of the EPDP debates held at the Policy Meeting

EPDP team members and broader membership (20 mins)

16h15 UTC -  CCWP HR 

Austin and Ephraim (10 mins)

16h30 UTC - ICANN Information Transparency Initiative

ICANN Staff (10-15 mins)

16h45 UTC - Governance and participation 

Bruna Martins dos Santos (10 mins)

16h55 UTC - AOB 

All (5 mins)