Final Proposed Agenda 11 March 2020

Final Proposed Agenda 11 March 2020

Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KfWeBg

This agenda was established according to the GNSO Operating Procedures v3.3, updated on 30 January 2018

For convenience:

  • An excerpt of the ICANN Bylaws defining the voting thresholds is provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this agenda.
  • An excerpt from the Council Operating Procedures defining the absentee voting procedures is provided in Appendix 2 at the end of this agenda.

GNSO Council meeting held at 20:00 UTC

Coordinated Universal Time: 20:00 UTC: https://tinyurl.com/qwknzmy

13:00 Los Angeles; 16:00 Washington DC; 20:00 London; (Thursday) 01:00  Islamabad; (Thursday) 05:00 Tokyo; (Thursday) 07:00 Melbourne 

GNSO Council Meeting Audio Cast

Listen in browser:  http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01

Listen in application such as iTunes: http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01.m3u

Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if they will not be able to attend and/or need a dial out call.


Item 1: Administrative Matters (10 mins)

1.1 - Roll Call

1.2 - Updates to Statements of Interest

1.3 - Review / Amend Agenda

1.4 - Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meetings per the GNSO Operating Procedures: 

Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on the 23 January 2020 were posted on 10 February 2020

Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on the 20 February 2020 were posted on 6 March 2020.

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 minutes)

2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List. Note, the review of the Projects List will be a substantive agenda item for this Council meeting.


Item 3: Consent Agenda (0 minutes) 

  • None

Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – GNSO Projects List Review (60 minutes)

During the GNSO Council’s Strategic Planning Session in January 2020, the Council agreed that close review of the GNSO Projects List is a critically important part of its role as manager of the PDP process. The Council also acknowledged that due to full agendas and time constraints, a thorough review of the project list during Council meetings in the past was often not feasible .

With a pipeline full of additional new work and an already brimming current set of projects, ensuring that current work is as well positioned as possible to succeed, but also recognizing areas of concerns, are important areas of focus for the GNSO Council. 

Here, the Council will conduct a thorough and detailed review of the Projects List. This item was deferred from the February 2020 GNSO Council meeting.

4.1 – Introduction of topic (Council leadership)

4.2 – Council discussion

4.3 – Next steps

Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – GNSO Work Prioritization - 2020 Work Plan (20 minutes)

Continuing the theme from item 4 of this agenda, the GNSO Council acknowledged that there are limited resources available for policy development activities and related work. This resource limitation means that the GNSO Council must efficiently complete its current work as noted in item 4, but also prioritize the new work waiting in its pipeline. At the Strategic Planning Session, Councilors participated in an informal and non-binding ranking survey, which was used as a “sense of the room.” This informational survey result was shared with Councilors to then share with their respective Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, to gain a better sense of the various groups’ top priorities. The Council touched on this topic briefly during the February Council meeting but will devote a larger block of time during its March meeting.

Here, the Council will continue its discussions on which new work should be prioritized for initiation, when capacity within the community becomes available. 

5.1 – Introduction of topic (Council leadership)

5.2 – Council discussion

5.3 – Next steps

Item 6: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (20 minutes)

  • 6.1 - Council discussion on the guidance sought from the EPDP team related to ICANN org's 5 December 2019 letter seeking clarifications on data accuracy and the EPDP Phase 2. The EPDP Team is hoping to receive guidance by 13 March 2020.
  • 6.2 - Open microphone


Appendix 1: GNSO Council Voting Thresholds (ICANN Bylaws, Article 11, Section 11.3(i))

See https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article11.

Appendix 2: GNSO Council Absentee Voting Procedures (GNSO Operating Procedures, Section 4.4)

See https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/op-procedures-30jan18-en.pdf

References for Coordinated Universal Time of 20:00 UTC 

Local time between October and March Winter in the NORTHERN hemisphere


California, USA (PDT) UTC-7 13:00

San José, Costa Rica (CST) UTC-6 14:00

New York/Washington DC, USA (EDT) UTC-6 16:00

Buenos Aires, Argentina (ART) UTC-3 17:00

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (BRST) UTC-3 17:00

London, United Kingdom (GMT) UTC+0 20:00

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (WAT) UTC+1 21:00

Paris, France (CET) UTC+1 21:00

Islamabad, Pakistan (PKT) (+1 day) UTC+5 01:00 

Singapore (SGT) (+1 day) UTC+8  04:00 

Tokyo, Japan (JST) (+1 day) UTC+9 05:00 

Melbourne, Australia (AEDT) (+1 day) UTC+11 07:00  


DST starts/ends on Sunday 29 of March 2020, 2:00 or 3:00 local time (with exceptions) for EU countries and on Sunday 08 of March 2020 for the US.


For other places see http://www.timeanddate.com and https://tinyurl.com/qwknzmy