Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council meeting - Panama City

Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council meeting - Panama City

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Welcome – Katrina Sataki (ccNSO) & Heather Forrest (GNSO)
  2. Customer Standing Committee (CSC):
    1. Charter review process – Progress to date, proposed changes to charter, decision making timeline, potential issues if any.
    2. Managing upcoming reviews (CSC effectiveness & IFR)
    3. Upcoming post Panama - CSC members and liaisons elections, role of ccNSO & GNSO Councils 
  3. Reviews: current status of reviews and draft Operating Standards and next steps. 
    1. Views of ccNSO & GNSO on short-term and long term options on amending schedule of Reviews
    2. Next steps and role, if any, of respective Councils re Specific Reviews and Operating Standards?
  4. Internet Governance Engagement Group Proposed Charter
  5. Emojis in TLDs – status update on ccNSO and GNSO activities in this area
  6. CCWG-WS2 – Expected next steps
  7. ccNSO and GNSO as Decisional Participants 
    1. EC procedures and processes updates
    2. Progress on rejection actions procedures and other items
  8. AOB & Wrap up