Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council meeting - Panama City
Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council meeting - Panama City
Proposed Agenda:
- Welcome – Katrina Sataki (ccNSO) & Heather Forrest (GNSO)
- Customer Standing Committee (CSC):
- Charter review process – Progress to date, proposed changes to charter, decision making timeline, potential issues if any.
- Managing upcoming reviews (CSC effectiveness & IFR)
- Upcoming post Panama - CSC members and liaisons elections, role of ccNSO & GNSO Councils
- Reviews: current status of reviews and draft Operating Standards and next steps.
- Views of ccNSO & GNSO on short-term and long term options on amending schedule of Reviews
- Next steps and role, if any, of respective Councils re Specific Reviews and Operating Standards?
- Internet Governance Engagement Group Proposed Charter
- Emojis in TLDs – status update on ccNSO and GNSO activities in this area
- CCWG-WS2 – Expected next steps
- ccNSO and GNSO as Decisional Participants
- EC procedures and processes updates
- Progress on rejection actions procedures and other items
- AOB & Wrap up