Motions 21 December 2017
Motions 21 December 2017
Motion to adopt the charter for the GNSO Standing Committee on Budget and Operations (SCBO) on an interim basis
Submitted by Michele Neylon
Seconded by Rafik Dammak
- The GNSO Council expressed the desire to establish a GNSO Standing Committee to assist with the development of GNSO Council comments to be submitted to comment forums as it relates to ICANN’s Budgetary and Finance matters
- On an informal trial basis, a small team of Council members developed two proposed public comments (IANA-PTI FY19 Budget & ICANN’s Reserve Fund Target Level) on behalf of the GNSO Council that were later accepted and posted to ICANN’s public forum
- The small team reviewed and further refined a draft charter for the proposed standing committee (see: https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/draft-icann-budget-operations-charter-11dec17-en.pdf)
- The Council reviewed the charter and agreed that as this is a new entity and approach, it would be desirable to test the process and criteria outlined in the charter to assess whether it is fit-for-purpose. To that end, it is proposed that:
- The charter be adopted on an interim basis,
- SCBO be formed in accordance with the charter,
- SCBO to apply the charter for at least the FY19 Draft ICANN Budget & Operating Planning cycle,
- SCBO to conduct a review of the comment formulation process and suggest changes the Charter, if appropriate, and report back to the GNSO Council accordingly
- The GNSO Council to confirm the GNSO SCBO Charter as is, or, as modified based on the review.
- The GNSO Council adopts the GNSO Standing Committee on Budget & Operations (SCBO) Charter on an interim basis (see: https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/draft-icann-budget-operations-charter-11dec17-en.pdf) and instructs the GNSO Secretariat to launch a call for volunteers per the membership criteria outlined in the SCBO Charter as soon as possible.
- The GNSO Council appoints Heather Forrest as the Council liaison to the SCBO. Until such time the SCBO has selected its Chair(s), the liaison will serve as the interim chair.
- The GNSO Council tasks the SCBO to carry out the review and comment formulation for the ICANN FY19 Draft Budget planning cycle and to submit its proposed recommendations to the GNSO Council with sufficient time for consideration.
- Following the completion of the ICANN FY19 Draft Budget planning cycle, the GNSO Council requests the SCBO to report back to the GNSO Council with its assessment of whether the charter provides sufficient guidance and flexibility to carry out its work, and/or whether any modifications should be considered. Acknowledging that this is a work in progress, the GNSO Council will review this assessment as well as whether any modifications should be considered.
- The GNSO Council thanks the small group of volunteers, Erika Mann, Ayden Ferdeline, Philippe Fouqart, Michele Neylon, Martin Silva Valent, and the GNSO Council leadership team, for its work on the charter.