GNSO Wrap-Up Session Durban 2013-07-18
GNSO Wrap-Up Session Durban 2013-07-18
Topics for GNSO Wrap-Up session
- GNSO Weekend Sessions
- Form & Content
- “New” style of presentations
- Impact of 2 hr carve-out
- Alternative structures
- Form & Content
- GNSO Council Public Meeting
- Form & Content; inc SG/Constituency Inputs
- Time & Scheduling
- PDP Improvements
- Future / On-going role
- Charter
- Working Groups
- Volunteer / Lack of Volunteer Issues
- Reporting & Metrics WG, Translation & Transliteration PDP
- Other ways to do the work?
- Use of facilitation - Feedback
- Volunteer / Lack of Volunteer Issues
- Future Meetings
- July / August Meeting – Doodle Poll ASAP
- Beunos Aires
- Plans, issues
- Development and planning session – Friday 22nd November
- GNSO Review
- Delay - Does Council respond to call for input?
- Own work – What does Council do?
- Circulate links to prior work
Actions arising:
- GNSO Review
- Council response to call for input?
- Circulate links to prior work
- Send JIG letter to the Board (Await ccNSO Council vote?)
- Change name to GNSO Public Forum
- July August Council meeting - UDRP Domain Name Lock motion