GNSO Working Session Beijing Sunday 2013-04-07

GNSO Working Session Beijing Sunday 2013-04-07

Please click here to download a copy of the schedule below in PDF format.

Time Topics of InterestSession LeaderPresenter

'thick' Whois PDP

What is it about: PDP Status update, WG progress and results to date

Background: This PDP WG is tasked to provide the GNSO Council with a policy recommendation regarding the use of 'thick' Whois by all gTLD Registries, both existing and future 

Presenter: Mikey O'Connor; 
Policy staff members: Marika Konings, Lars Hoffmann


 Jonathan Robinson

Mikey O'Connor

Update from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)

What is it about:  This is an opportunity for the SSAC to provide an update to the GNSO Council on its activities and discuss those of particular interest to the GNSO.  One such issue may be an SSAC document that will provide a taxonomy on domain name registration data validation.  This document is due to be published prior to the ICANN Beijing meeting.

Background:  The SSAC advises the ICANN Board on issues involving the security and stability of the DNS.  It provides regular updates to the GNSO and ICANN community at ICANN meetings and via its activity reports.

Presenters: Patrik Fältström, SSAC Chair and Jim Galvin, SSAC Vice Chair;
Policy staff member: Julie Hedlund


Jonathan Robinson

Patrik Fältström
Jim Galvin

10:0010:45Review of preparation for Board and GAC meetings
 Jonathan Robinson 

GNSO-GAC  Meeting of the Board/GAC Recommendation Implementation Working Group (BGRI Working Group)
The meeting will take place in the GACmeeting  room GRAND HALL B


Jonathan RobinsonHeather Dryden
12:2012:30Break to walk to lunch  
12:3013:00LUNCH - buffet lunch provided for GNSO Council and Working Groups
13:0014:30GNSO-Board Jonathan Robinson 
14:3015:00CEO Fadi Chehadé Jonathan Robinson 
15:0016:30gTLD Update (1. RA / RAA, 2. Auction timing, 3. "Hourglass" of PDT/contract signingJonathan RobinsonChristine Willett
16:3017:00IETF Update

Background:  This session is to provide the GNSO council an IETF update on the latest developments on the registration data access protocol.

Presenter:  Olaf Kolkman, the IETF chair of the WEIRDS working group  (WEIRDS working group has to do with a new protocol to replace Whois.);
Policy staff member: Steve Sheng
Jonathan RobinsonOlaf Kolkman