IPC Prague Meeting 2012-06-26

IPC Prague Meeting 2012-06-26


Open meeting

Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 1400-1630 Local Time

Congress I Room, Hilton Prague Hotel, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC  

Advance Agenda (as of 6/19/12) (subject to change)

1400    Introductions/agenda review/scribe/

1415    Leadership report (Metalitz et al)

1420    Contract compliance update (Zuck)

1430    Discussion of issues at Prague meeting, including report from informal meetings with new gTLD applicants  (TBA)

1500    ICANN staff briefing re:  Trademark Clearinghouse implementation (Karen Lentz)

1530    ICANN staff briefing re:  Uniform Rapid Suspension program  (staff TBA)  

1600    ICANN Staff Briefing re: Registrar Accreditation Agreement amendments (staff TBA)

1630    Review assignments and next meetings/Adjourn