Registries SG San Jose Meeting 2012-03-13

Registries SG San Jose Meeting 2012-03-13


Ramada Plaza Herradura San Jose, Costa Rica

La Paz B


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.






9:00 – 11:45 a.m.             Open Session


  1.              I.      Attendance
    1. Introduction of attendees
  2.           II.      Agenda Review and Approval
    1. Stakeholder Group Meeting
    2. Meeting with ICANN Board and Staff
    3. Joint meeting with Registrars Stakeholder Group
  3.        III.      Discussion and pending votes for Issues/Reports posted on ICANN Proceedings posted for public comment http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment
    1. Draft Roadmap to Implement SAC 051 (due 18 March)
    2. IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps (due 18 March)
    3. WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report (due 18 March)
    4. Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs (due 23 March)
    5. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice and Competition (due 3 April)
  4.        IV.      New gTLD Process Developments (John Jeffrey and Kurt Pritz)
    1. “Confusingly similar” strings for (new and existing) gTLDs
    2. Bundling of IDN Versions of (new and existing) TLDs
    3. Vertical Integration
    4. Trademark Clearing House
  5.           V.      IDN Updates
    1. IDN Variant TLD Issues Project (VIP) Update
    2. Single Character IDN TLDs
    3. Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs
  6.        VI.       GNSO and ICANN Updates
    1. GNSO Council Motions for 14 March meeting
    2. Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) Review Teams

a.  Accountability and Transparency


c.  Security, Stability and Resiliency

  1. Inter-Registrar Transfers Working Group (IRTP) Update (Barbara Knight)
  2. GNSO Improvements

a. Web site update (Karla Valente and Rob Hoggarth)

  1. WHOIS Updates

a. WHOIS Studies (Michael Young)

b.Thick WHOIS (Jeff Neuman

  1. Protection of IOC/Red Cross Names at the Top Level Proposal (Jeff Neuman)
  2. European Union Privacy Issues
  3. Framework for the ICANN FY 13 Budget (Juan Ojeda and Xavier Calvez)
  4. Update on other current developments
  5.     VII.      ICANN Contractual Compliance (Maguy Serad) (11:00 a.m.)
    1. Update on the implementation of a graduated response for Registrar non-compliance
    2. Update on status of the definition and authentication of a law enforcement agency
    3. Discussion on overall expectations and challenges

11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.     Lunch (will be provided for delegates of regular RySG
                                         members and observer members)


1:00 – 2:00 p.m.  Working Meeting with the ICANN Board (closed to all but

                             delegate of regular RySG members and observer members)


2:15 – 4:00 p.m.    Continuation of morning session


  1.  VIII.      RySG Business
    1. Registrar Onboarding Sub Team Update (Roy Dykes)
    2. Impact of New gTLDs to Registries Stakeholder Group operations (i.e., voting, etc.)
    3. New gTLD Applicant Interest Group (AIG) (Keith Drazek)
  2.        IX.      ICANN Nominating Committee (Vanda Scartezini, Chair, and Rob Hall, Chair Elect) – discussion on profile for the ICANN Director (3:15 p.m.)


4:00 – 5:00 p.m.    Registries/Registrars Stakeholder Groups Joint


            Key Topics for discussion:

  1. Changes to RySG and/or RrSG Bylaws and/or rules of procedures to avoid conflicts and crossover in membership under Vertical Integration.
  2. Standardizing the Registrar Onboarding Format
  3. General issues involving the GNSO Council and the Contracted Party House
  4. Discussion on New gTLD Issues (as permitted)
  5. Update on RAA negotiations