Agenda 2 November 2008
Agenda 2 November 2008
Tentative - Times need to confirmed. Guest appearances need to be confirmed.
- New gTLDS part II (9-11)
- Standing committee kickoff meetings (in parallel) (11:15-12:15)
- OSChttps://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?operations_steering_committee_osc* IRTP Part A Open WG meeting (1215 -1315)
- IRTP Part A PDP Status review http://gnso.icann.org/correspondence/cairo-presentation-irtp-a-status-overview-27oct08.pdf
- Statement of Workhttp://gnso.icann.org/correspondence/cairo-presentation-irtp-a-statement-of-work-27oct08-en.pdf
- Lunch (1330 - 1430)
- Discussion with SSAC (1430 - 1530)
- Whois
- Fast Flux
- other topics
- Followup on PPSC and OSC with Council (1530-1630)
- GAC-GNSO Joint meeting (1700 - 1800 - time can be extended if there is conversation) * WHOIS studies * PSC report * issues in new TLDs, e.g. geographic names
- Board Dinner
- TopicDinner - Treatment of geographic names in the new gtld process
Dessert - Restructuring
- TopicDinner - Treatment of geographic names in the new gtld process