Agenda 18 December 2008

Agenda 18 December 2008

Proposed GNSO Council Agenda 18 December 2008

This agenda was established according to the Rules of Procedure for the GNSO Council

Coordinated Universal Time 19:00 UTC - see below for local times
(11:00 Los Angeles, 14:00 Washington DC, 19:00 London, 20:00 Brussels, 06:00 Melbourne next day)

Avri Doria will be chairing the GNSO Council meeting
Scheduled time for meeting 120 mins.
Dial-in numbers sent individually to Council members.

Item 0: Roll call of Council members

Item 1: Update any statements of interest

Item 2: Review/amend agenda

  • no Council Minutes to approve
  • added 7a on gTLD Implementation Communications Plan
  • moved item 8 to after agenda review

Item 3: Approve GNSO Council minutes from 20 November 2008 (remove)

Item 4. Confirm election results for 2 GNSO representatives to the Community-Wide WG on Geographical Regions (5mins)Olga Cavalli and Zahid Jamil elected

Item 5. RAA (20 mins)

See proposed motions: 18 Dec 2008 Motions

Current list of proposed RAA amendments 16 December 2008.doc

Item 6. Issues Report on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (20 mins)

GNSO Issues Report on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery

  • Overview - Staff presentation


  • Discussion and decsion on next steps:Motion to consider PDP at next meeting.

    Item 7. GNSO Issues Report on Registration Abuse Policies (20 mins)

       ""Issues Report on Registration Abuse

  • Decsion on whether to create a Drafting Team for a WG charter
  • Decision on whether to initiate a Policy Development Process (PDP)
  • Contingent motions20 Dec 2008 Motions

    Item 7a. Motion Regarding gTLD Implemention Plan Commnications Period

Item 8. Nominating Committee (10 mins) - moved to front of agendaDiscussion with Tricia Drakes Nominating Committee Chair

Item 9. Domain Tasting comment review (10 mins)Summary and analysis of public comments for: AGP Limits Policy Draft Implementation Plan


Item 10. Travel Policy (10 mins)Travel Policy drafting team

Open Discussion Comment

Item 11. Status Updates (20)11.1 Board Update

11.2 Policy Items11.2 1 Whois Studies11.3 Working Groups11.3.1 Fast Flux
11.3.2 IRTP Part A PDP11.4 GNSO "Improvements"11.4.1 PPSC Update
11.4.2 OSC Update11.5 GNSO Council Restructure Implementation Plan
11.6 . IDNccTLD Implementation Plan11.6.1 GNSO Commentshttp://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#plan-idn-cctlds
( Comment period extended to 7 January 2009)11.7 Variance between Council Recommendations and New gTLD Implementation plan11.7.1 Where are we
11.7.2 What do we do

Item 12. AOB12.1 GNSO Council Chair elections