Motions 29 January 2009

Motions 29 January 2009

Motion to Approve the OSC Charter

(sent back to OSC with comments - tabled until 29 Jan 2009 & revised on 21 January 2009 & edited on 22 January 2009 to say that all OSC members approved the edits proposed in the Council meeting)

Moved by: Chuck Gomes on 21 January 2009

Seconded by: Olga Cavalli on 21 January 2009


  • The GNSO Council reviewed and accepted the new GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan PDF, 96K developed by the Planning Team at its 16 October meeting.
  • That Plan called for the creation of anOperations Steering Committee (OSC)to oversee efforts to enhance the GNSO’s structure, constituencies, and communications.
  • The OSC was formed and held six teleconference meetings and conducted various online discussions as of 21 January 2009.
  • The OSC reviewed and modified the draft OSC Charter prepared by the GNSO Improvements Planning Team and recommended that the Council approve the revised draft Charter dated 22 Dec 08.
  • The Council discussed the charter in its 8 January 2009 meeting and two Councilors suggested edits.
  • All OSC members approved the charter with the proposed edits as found at https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?operations_steering_committee_osc.


  • The GNSO Council approves the OSC Charter and directs the OSC to proceed in fulfilling the terms of that Charter.

    Motion to Approve PPSC charter

Moved by: Tim Ruiz on 20 Jan 2009

Seconded by: Greg Ruth


The GNSO Council reviewed and accepted the new GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan developed by the Planning Team at its 16 October meeting.

That Plan called for the creation of a Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) to oversee efforts to revise and enhance the GNSO’s Policy Development Process.

The PPSC was formed and held three teleconference meetings and conducted various online discussions as of 7 January 2009.

The PPSC reviewed and modified the draft PPSC Charter prepared by the 'GNSO Improvements Planning Team and recommends that the Council approve the revised draft Charter dated 7 January 2009 and contained at the committee’s wiki site at: https://st.icann.org/icann-ppsc/index.cgi?policy_process_steering_committee_ppsc.


The GNSO Council approves the PPSC Charter and directs the PPSC to proceed in fulfilling the terms of that Charter.

Motion re. Individual Users in the GNSO

Moved by: Chuck Gomes on 22 January 2009

Seconded by: Bill Drake on 25 January 2009


  • On 11 December 2008, the ICANN Board approved Resolution 2008-12-11-02 seeking a recommendation on how to incorporate the legitimate interests of individual Internet users in the GNSO in constructive yet non-duplicative ways and requesting that the recommendation should be submitted no later than 24 January 2009 for consideration by the Board.
  • In an email message to the GNSO Council list dated 20 January 2009, the ICANN Vice President, Policy Development clarified that the11 December Resolution is an effort to help the Board identify a strategic solution that balances ALAC/At-Large and GNSO opportunities for all user and registrant stakeholders.
  • The Working Group on GNSO Council Restructuring Report sent to the ICANN Board of Directors on 25 July 2008 recommended that the Non-Contracted Party/User House would be open to membership of all interested parties that use or provide services for the Internet, with the obvious exclusion of the contracted parties and should explicitly not be restricted to domain registrants as recommended by the BGC and that such recommendation was made in response to the suggestion of the ALAC Liaison to the Council.
  • The GNSO Council Chair previously contacted the ALAC Chair and the GNSO ALAC Liaison to discuss this topic.
  • The potential members of the two GNSO Council Non-Contracted Party Stakeholder Groups have been tasked with submitting proposed Stakeholder Group Charters to the ICANN Board prior to the Board meeting on 6 March 2009.


  • The Council requests the GNSO Council ALAC Liaison in consultation with the ALAC Chair to:
    • Determine whether the ALAC and At-Large community have any concerns with regard to the recommendation that membership in the Non-Contracted Party/User House would be open to individual Internet users in addition to domain name registrants and, if so, to communicate those concerns to the GNSO Council as soon as practical
    • Determine whether the ALAC and At-Large community would like the GNSO to identify some user representatives, especially individual users, who would be willing to work with the ALAC and At-Large community to develop a recommendation regarding the Board’s request that could be forwarded to the appropriate groups for their consideration in developing a stakeholder group charter and to the Board for action on GNSO improvement recommendations.
    • If in either case the ALAC or At-large community do not accept this proposal the GNSO council may reconsider the issue.
    • Provide weekly progress reports to the Council list regarding the above.
  • The Council directs the Council Chair to:
    • Apologize to the Board that it failed to meet the Board established deadline of 24 January
    • Inform the Board that the GNSO:
      • Is awaiting information from the ALAC.
      • Is willing in cooperation with users to identify user representatives, especially individual users, who would be willing to work with the ALAC and At-Large community to develop a recommendation.
      • Will promptly consider next steps and respond to the Board as quickly as possible after requested information is received from the ALAC as well any recommendation that may be developed by the ALAC and At-Large community.