Agenda 3 September 2009
Proposed GNSO Council Agenda 03 September 2009
This agenda was established according to the Rules of Procedure for the GNSO Council
Coordinated Universal Time 21:00 UTC
Avri Doria will be chairing the GNSO Council meeting
Scheduled time for meeting 120 mins.
Dial-in numbers sent individually to Council members.
Item 0: Roll call of Council members
Item 1: Update any statements of interest
New member Maggie Mansourkia (ISPSCP)
Item 2: Review/amend agenda
- Added section on 10.4.3 ACSO meeting topic.
Item 3: Approve GNSO Council minutes (Items 1-3 15 mins)
Point of order statement by CSG group of constituencies
Chair was turned over to Vice-chair as the statement applied to Avri Doria as NCA and Chair.
Item 4: Confirmation of Chair for IRTP Part B WG (5 mins)Michele Neylon was selected as Chair of the WG
Item 5: Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG) (5 mins)
Confirmation of volunteers and GNSO's co-chair for the group
Edmon Chung - gTLD Registries (co-chair)
Terry Davis - Nominating Committee Appointee
Stéphane van Gelder - Registrar
Avri Doria - GNSO Council chair (Observer ex-officio)
Chuck Gomes - GNSO Council vice-chair (Observer ex-officio)
Item 6: Fast Flux Hosting Motion (20 mins)
Background information prepared by Staff to inform the vote on Fast Flux Hosting*
see motion
03 Sept motions
Item 7: Charter for joint ALAC/GNSO Drafting Team on RAA issues (15 min)
Draft Charter
see motion
03 Sept motions
With ammend on charter: Replace un der B in chater in tiem - replace ammendments with topic
"propose next steps for considering such topics"
Item 8: Motion on Vertical Separation (20 min)
see motion
03 Sept motions
Item 9: Schedule/Actions leading up and for Seoul - Update (10 mins)
Draft Plan for Bicameral Council Seat Transition
Item 10: Status Updates (30 mins)
10. 1. Board Update - Denise MichelBoard meeting agenda
Board Meeting Minutes/Actions (tbd)
10. 2. ccNSO Liaison update - Olga CavalliccNSO update:
IDN PDP Working Group will have its first conference call on Monday 31 August. I will send an update about this meeting before the GNSO conference call on Thursday.
ccNSO is working in defining their agenda for the Seoul Meeting.
10. 3. Geographical Region WG update Olga Cavalli/Zahid Jamil
Public Comment: Geographic Regions Initial ReportGeo Regions:
The initial Working Group is available for public comments. It attempts to identify the various applications and functions to which “ICANN Geographic Regions” are currently applied by existing ICANN structures.
35 days period of public comments ends on 4 September.
10. 4. Joint AC/SO Efforts
10. 4. 1. Prospective GNSO-SSAC workReceived Communication from Steve Crocker.
10. 4. 2. RAA with ALAC (Avri)Charter presented in this meeting.
A team is starting to work on taking Margie's Doc on rights and responsibilities of registrants.
Call for membership already went out
10. 4. 3. Possible ACSO topicPossible topics proposed among ACSO Chairs
* Will the introduction of new gTLDs provide potential benefits to consumers that will outweigh any potential harm?
* What are the remaining impediments to finalising the new gTLD application process and what can be done to resolve them?
* What are the remaining impediments to finalising the new gTLD and IDN Fast Track processes and what can be done to resolve these issues?Alternate topics
* Accountability:What is meant by the various parties raising the topic.
In the ICANN context and in the minds of different stakeholders/groups/constituencies/participants/government(s)Does the GNSO have a strong preference for Monday or Thursday?
10. 5 Policy Items
10. 5. 1. Working Groups
10. 5. 1. 1. Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (RAPWG) - Mike RodenbaughThe topics of Cybersquatting, Malware/Botnet Control, Contract Uniformity, Front-Running, and Phishing/Spam/Malware have been assigned to subgroups of volunteers, who are writing background data and statements; these will become sections of the WG's Initial Report. Wikis have been set up, where each subgroup is developing its content. A full list of topics for forthcoming discussion is in the latest "RAPWG Abuse Categories and Types" document at:
There is a scope discussion of whether or not the RAPWG should, because of past GNSO efforts and the six WHOIS study questions that were recently commissioned, leave WHOIS topics off its list of registration abuses for major examination. The WG Chair, the WG Liaison, and the GNSO Council Chair and Vice-Chair are currently discussing this issue.
10. 5. 1. 2. Post-Expiry Domain Name Recovery Working Group - Tim Ruiz
The questions posed in the charter have been submitted for public
comment until 10 Sept. The WG has also sent requests for each
constituency to respond.
- In response to the request for Staff to provide information on how current policies on expired names are enforced William McKelligott, ICANN Auditor for the Contractual Compliance Team provided this summary of a recent audit:"ICANN Compliance recently completed an audit of all registrar websites
to establish if they were compliant with the Expired Domain Deletion
Policy as it relates to fees charged to registered name holders for
recovering domain names that have entered the Redemption Grace Period
(RGP) (please refer to section of the EDDP). A large number or
registrars- close to 500 of them- posted information on their websites
in relation to recovering domain names that are in RGP which either
either did not mention fees or mentioned them but did not specify any
amount (e.g., “fees will apply”).
The EDDP requires registrars to post on their website the actual fees
charged to registered name holders for recovering domain names that are
in RGP. Compliance will be posting an advisory and reaching out to
registrars in the very near future to clarify this requirement."
Link to the full report:
Other items: - Discussed other data that might be helpful.
- Formed a Data Collection Sub-Team. It was scheduled to meet Wednesday but I believe that was postponed.
- Reviewed what further information / discussion is required to fulfil following requirements of PEDNR charter, such as current Registrar practices.
- Began review of Charter Question 1 - Whether adequate opportunity exists for registrants to redeem their expired domain names. Questions were raised as to how to define what is adequate.
- Ongoing discussion on how to collect data to support scope of problem.
- Next call is 8 September 2009.
10. 5. 1. 3. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group - Tim Ruiz
Michele Nylon was selected as Chair of the WG and the Council will confirm the selection 3 Sept.
We have had two calls and work on the list:
- We discussed background around the issues.
- Discussed and worked definitions. This is still ongoing.
- Discussed the two SSAC reports with help from Dave Piscatelo. The first was produced in 2005 and dealt with suggestions for a process for urgent return and resolution of a domain name after a fraudulent transfer. The second report deals with protecting domain names agains exploitation or misuse and focuses on high profile domains.
- Working on the Public Comment Announcement and Constituency Statement Template.
- Planned a F2F for Monday at 7am in in Seoul.
- Next call is 15 September 2009.
10. 6. Drafting Teams
10. 6. 1. Travel Policy Drafting Team (Olga)
Travel Drafting Team:Travel drafting team did not reach agreement on whether some retiring councelors should be funded to attend the Seoul meeting or not.
In relation with the question of having additional support for retiring councelors, Kevin Wilson informed us that ICANN is constrained by travel Gu idelines. He suggested that if GNSO decides to request additional support, we should submit the request and if the budget impact is small, ICANN may be able to support. If the budget impact is significant, ICANN would need to consider what process and approvals need to be pursued.
A face to face meeting of the travel drafting team will be scheduled with ICANN staff during the ICANN Seoul meeting. Once the date and time are established, this information will be sent to the drafting team list.
10. 6. 2. IDNG Working Group update - IDNG Draft Charter Edmon Chung
- On Hold while JIG is getting underway.
10. 7. GNSO Improvement Work Teams
10. 7. 1. Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) Policy Development Process (PDP) work team (WT) - Marika KoningsThe PDP-WT is finalizing its discussions on the ‘proposal review and voting threshold’ stage (stage two out of five), and is expected to start discussions shortly on stage three ‘Work Phase’. A first draft of the the recommendations for the ‘planning and initiation’ stage (stage one out of five) has been circulated to the WT for review and discussion at the next meeting.
10. 7. 2. PPSC Working Group work team WGWT - Marika KoningsStaff has provided a first draft of the Charter Guidelines for review by the WG-WT. The WG-WT has started reviewing this document, but had to cancel its most recent meeting due to lack of attendance. Staff is currently working on a first draft of the Working Group Guidelines Document for review by the WG-WT.
10. 7. 3. Operations Steering Committee (OSC) Communications coordination work team - Julie Hedlund
OSC Report for Council Meeting 3 Sep 09Communications WT
No change in status.
10. 7. 4. OSC Constituency operations work teamGNSO Council Operations WT (GCOT)
The WT continues meeting weekly.
Excellent progress is being made on the elements of the Council Rules of Procedure that are needed before seating the bicameral Council in Seoul.
The WT plans to hold an in-person meeting in Seoul with teleconference access.
10. 7. 5. OSC GNSO Council operations work teamGNSO Constituency/SG Operations WT (CSG WT)
The WT continues to hold biweekly teleconference calls and subgroups continue to work on specific tasks.
Final edits are being made to draft recommendations regarding a toolkit of in kind services for constituencies and SGs should be distributed to the Council shortly.
Special effort is being made to finish a recommendations document on time to be considered by the Board on September 30.
The WT plans to hold an in-person meeting in Seoul with teleconference access.
10. 8. Restructuring effort - Rob Hoggarth
10. 8. 1. Status of implementation steps - Rob/Margie
10. 8. 2. Status of By-Law amendments - Margie Milam
10. 8. 3. Stakeholder Group Charters - Rob Hoggarth
10. 8. 4. Constituency Charters - Rob Hoggarth
Item 11: AOB- Action ItemsDiscussion re Registrar discussion during weekend.
Prioritization of work
(14:00 Los Angeles, 17:00 Washington DC, 22:00 London, 23:00 Brussels, 07:00 Friday Melbourne)
Local time between March and October, Summer in the NORTHERN hemisphere
Reference (Coordinated Universal Time) UTC 13:00
California, USA (PDT) UTC-7+1DST 14:00
New York/Washington DC, USA (EDT) UTC-4+1DST 17:00
Buenos Aires, Argentina UTC-3+0DST 18:00
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil UTC-3+0DST 18:00
London, United Kingdom (BST) UTC+1DST 22:00
Brussels, Belgium (CEST) UTC+1+1DST 23:00
Paris, France (CEST) UTC+1+1DST 23:00
Barcelona, Spain (CEST) UTC+1+1DST 23:00
Karachi, Pakistan UTC+5+0DST 03:00 Friday
Hong Kong, China UTC+8+0DST 05:00 Friday
Singapore, Singapore UTC+8+0DST 05:00 Friday
Melbourne, Australia (EST) UTC+10+0DST 07:00 Friday
The DST starts/ends on last Sunday of October 2009, 2:00 or 3:00 local time (with exceptions)
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