Agenda 24 October 2009
Agenda 24 October 2009
Possible Agenda Items
- 2 houses meet seperately
- elect vice chairs
- other necessary housekeeping that may be done
- Council meets together
- discussion of Council Rules and Procedures
- Lunch discussion with candidates for GNSO Chair
Update from working groups - 15 minutes each
- Inter-Registrar Transfer Policies - Part B IRTP B - Michele Neylon - WG Chair
- Post-Expiry Domain Name Recovery - Alan Greenberg - WG Chair
- Registrar Accreditation Agreement RAA drafting teams A & B - Steve Metalitz -coordinator B
- Registration Abuse Policies (RAP) WG - MikeRodenbaugh Liaison - Marika Konings - Greg Aaron absent
Update from Work Teams - 5 minutes each
- Operations Steering Committee OSC - Chuck Gomes - chair OSC
- Constituency operations work team - Olga Cavalli - chair OSC
- GNSO Council operations work team - Ray Fassett - chair OSC Community
- Communications Coordination work team OSC-CCT - Mason Cole - WT - chair
- PPSC Policy Development Process (PDP) work team - Jeff Neuman - chair
- PPSC Working Group (WG) work team - J. Scott Evans - chair
16:00 - 17:30
- Update on WHOIS studies - discussion of RFP for the studies - Liz Gasster
17:00 - 18:00
Travel Drafting Team meet with ICANN satff - Sapphire room