Motions 23 November 2009

Motions 23 November 2009

Possible motions for 23 November

Motion to adopt a rotation system for Council meeting times

Motion by: Stéphane Van Gelder
Seconded by: Chuck Gomes

Whereas the GNSO Council is a body comprised of 22 members who reside in all regions of the globe.

Whereas the GNSO Council has regular teleconference meetings which require all members who are available to connect at the same time.

Whereas the geographic diversity of the Council members makes it impossible to set a teleconference time that is during normal working hours for all involved.

Whereas at its October 29, 2009 meeting, the Council discussed the issue of teleconference times.

Whereas Edmon Chung, Han Chuan Lee and Adrian Kinderis all volunteered to work on proposals for meeting times, and Stéphane Van Gelder volunteered to chair the group.

Whereas the group proposed four different time options (http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/time-options-council-meetings-02-04nov09-en.pdf) and suggested that a rotation be introduced between the 3 most convenient time options.

Whereas further discussion within the Council made it clear that there was preference for a rotation to be introduced between options 2, 3 and 4.


The GNSO Council will rotate its teleconference meeting times between UTC 11:00, UTC 15:00 and UTC 20:00, starting with the November 23, 2009 meeting scheduled at 11:00 UTC.


Motion To Approve Clarifying Edits to GNSO Operating Procedures

Motion by: Chuck Gomes
Seconded by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben

Whereas the GNSO Council approved its new GNSO Operating Procedures during its 28 October 2009 meeting in Seoul;

Whereas the GNSO Council Operations Work Team Chair advised Council members in Seoul of the need to incorporate a number of clarifying edits to the procedures that were not included in the final draft of the procedures adopted by the Council;

Whereas the edits are intended to simply clarify the original procedural language recommended by the Work Team;

Whereas the Work Team has been directed by the Council to continue its work on a second phase of substantive Council procedural recommendations including a further examination of the provisions for voting abstentions;

RESOLVED, the Council accepts the clarifying edits forwarded by the Work Team

and looks forward to the subsequent substantive procedural recommendations to be developed by the Work Team. Staff is directed to share the edited procedures with the Board and post both clean
and red-lined versions
of the procedures on the GNSO Web Page. (see http://gnso.icann.org/)