Agenda 17 December 2009

Agenda 17 December 2009

Agenda for GNSO Council Meeting 17 December 2009.

This agenda was established according to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures approved 28 October 2009 for the GNSO Council.

For convenience:
• An excerpt of the ICANN Bylaws defining the voting thresholds is provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this agenda.
• An excerpt from the Council Operating Procedures defining the absentee voting procedures is provided in Appendix 2 at the end of this agenda.

Coordinated Universal Time:15:00 UTC - (see below and http://www.timeanddate.com for other times)

(07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 16:00 CET, 23:00 Hong Kong, 02:00 Melbourne Friday)

Chair: Chuck Gomes; Vice Chairs: Olga Cavalli & Stéphane Van Gelder

Note: This meeting will be recorded.

Scheduled time for meeting 120 mins.

Dial-in numbers will be sent individually to Council members.

Item 1: Administrative matters

1.1 Roll call of Council members

1.2 Update any statements of interest

1.3 Review/amend agenda

1.4. Note the status of minutes for the following Council meetings per the new Council Operating Procedures:
• 8 October meeting – Approved on 28 November 2009
• 28 October meeting – Approved on 27 November 2009
• 23 November meeting – Approved on 08 December 2009

Item 2: Motion to approve GNSO Improvements Recommendations for a Constituency/Stakeholder Group Toolkit of Services

2.1 Refer to the recommendations document at:

2.2 Discussion of recommendations

2.3 See the motion at:
17 december motions

2.4 Vote motion passes unanimously by voice vote

Item 3: Special Trademark Issues (STI) Review Team

3.1 Update – David Maher, STI Review Group Chair

3.2 Refer to the 7 Dec STI Report at

Special Trademark Issues Review Team Recommendations (11 December 2009)

3.3 Council action?

Proposed motion:
17 december motions

Item 4: Action on Issues Report regarding vertical separation of Registries and Registrars

4.1 Refer to Issues Report on Vertical Integration":

4.2 Overview of Issues Report (Margie Milam)

4.3 Discussion

4.3 See possible motion(s) at:
17 december motions

Note: If a motion is acted on to initiate a PDP, absentee voting will be allowed.

Item 5: Prioritization of GNSO work

5.1 Status Report (Olga Cavalli)

5.2 Council action?

5.3 Next steps?

Item 6: Status updates

6.1 Board update (Denise Michel)
Preliminary Report of Special Board Meeting

6.2 New gTLD Implementation Process Update (Kurt Pritz)

  • 6.2.1 Overarching Issues
  • 6.2.2 Next steps
  • 6.2.3 Timeline
  • 6.2.4 The IDN Implementation Working Team Final Report


recommends that the GNSO & ccNSO do policy work with regard to the following two issues related to single-character IDN top level names: 1) selection of scripts for which single character IDN TLDs should be allowed; 2) method for allocation of single character IDN TLDs. This item will be discussed in the 7 Jan 2010 meeting.

6.3 Items of interest to the GNSO from the ccNSO (Olga Cavalli/Han Chuan Lee)

6.4 Other?

6.5 Questions/comments on written status updates sent in advance by leaders of Working Groups, Work Teams, staff projects, etc.?
Status updates http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/notes-council-17dec09-en.htm

Item 7: AOB

7.1 Request for Policy Process Steering Committee( PPSC) Working Group Team face-to-face meeting

  • Correspondence from Jeff Neuman - PPSC (Policy Development Process) PDP chair to Chuck Gomes - GNSO Council chair


  • Message from Chuck Gomes to GNSO Council


7.2 Staff update on plans to ensure safety and security in Nairobi

7. 3 Councilors are asked to forward the AGP Limits Policy - Implementation Report

to their groups and be prepared to discuss it in the 7 January 2010 meeting.

Item 8: The updated GNSO Project Status List (formerly Pending Action Item List) is at:

8.1 Questions/comments?

Appendix 1: GNSO Council Voting Thresholds (ICANN Bylaws, Article X, Section 3)

9. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, Annex A hereto, or the GNSO Operating Procedures, the default threshold to pass a GNSO Council motion or other voting action requires a simple majority vote of each House. The voting thresholds described below shall apply to the following GNSO actions:
a. Create an Issues Report: requires an affirmative vote of more than 25% vote of each House or majority of one House;
b. Initiate a Policy Development Process (“PDP”) Within Scope (as described in Annex A): requires an affirmative vote of more than 33% of each House or more than 66% of one House;
c. Initiate a PDP Not Within Scope: requires an affirmative vote of more than 75% of one House and a majority of the other House (“GNSO Supermajority”);
d. Approve a PDP Recommendation Without a GNSO Supermajority: requires an affirmative vote of a majority of each House and further requires that one GNSO Council member representative of at least 3 of the 4 Stakeholder Groups supports the Recommendation;
e. Approve a PDP Recommendation With a GNSO Supermajority: requires an affirmative vote of a GNSO Supermajority; and
f. Approve a PDP Recommendation Imposing New Obligations on Certain Contracting Parties: where an ICANN contract provision specifies that “a two-thirds vote of the council” demonstrates the presence of a consensus, the GNSO Supermajority vote threshold will have to be met or exceeded with respect to any contracting party affected by such contract provision.

Appendix 2: Absentee Voting Procedures (Council Operating Procedures 4.4)

Members that are absent from a meeting at the time of a vote on the following items may vote by absentee ballot:
a. Initiate a policy development process;
b. Forward a policy recommendation to the Board;
c. Recommend amendments to the ICANN Bylaws;
d. Fill a position open for election.

The GNSO Secretariat will provide reasonable means for transmitting and authenticating absentee ballots, which could include voting by telephone, e- mail, or web-based interface. Absentee ballots must be submitted within 72 hours following the start of the meeting in which a vote is initiated, except that, in exceptional circumstances announced at the time of the vote, the Chair may reduce this time to 24 hours or extend the time to 7 days. There must be a quorum for the meeting in which the vote is initiated.

Reference (Coordinated Universal Time) UTC 15:00
California, USA (PDT) UTC-8+0DST 07:00
New York/Washington DC, USA (EDT) UTC-5+0DST 10:00
Buenos Aires, Argentina UTC-3+0DST 12:00
Rio de Janeiro/Sao Paulo Brazil UTC-2+1DST 13:00
Dublin, Ireland (GMT) UTC+0DST 15:00
Darmstadt, Germany (CET) UTC+1+0DST 16:00
Paris, France (CET) UTC+1+0DST 16:00
Karachi, Pakistan UTC+5+0DST 20:00
Hong Kong, China UTC+8+0DST 23:00
Tokyo, Japan UTC+9+0DST 00:00
Melbourne,/Sydney Australia (EDT) UTC+10+1DST 02:00 next day