Agenda 13 March 2011
GNSO Working Sessions - Tower Salon A Lobby Level
9:00-10:00 Tower Salon A Lobby Level
Contracted Parties House Meeting
9:00-10:00 Elizabethan D 2nd Floor
Non Contracted Parties House Meeting
10:00-1030 BREAK
New gTLDs discussion
Leader: Kurt Pritz
IDN Variants - Francisco Arias
13:00-14:30 Working lunch Preparation for meeting with the Board
Preparation of possible GNSO statement to Board and GAC
15:30-16:00 BREAK
Joint Board and GNSO meeting
Leader: Stéphane van Gelder
1. The role of the GNSO community in addressing any new items that come out of the GAC/BD discussions on new gTLDs. More specifically, to the extent that there are any inconsistencies between the policy advice given by the GNSO and what the ICANN Board agrees to with the GAC, how will those matters be handled. Also, how should the GNSO community factor GAC advice earlier into the policy development process, and should it try to?
2. Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation: context of the Board resolution
Who should attend? All GNSO stakeholder and constituency group members and any interested parties
Joint GAC and GNSO meeting
(held in GAC meeting room - Colonial)
Open to all GNSO stakeholder and constituency group members
GNSO Council informal dinner (off site)
venue to be announced later