11 September 2014

11 September 2014

The next  Framework of Operating Principles Cross Community Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Thursday 11 September 2014 at 1400 UTC  07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/op8qy3j

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled:   https://icann.adobeconnect.com/principles-cwg/


1. Roll Call/Updates to SOI

2. Co-Chairs' Update

3. Review Work Plan

4. Discuss Draft Deliverable I (Convening a CWG) 5. Next Steps


Joint SO-AC-SG-C Submission on ICANN's Enhancing ICANN Accountability Plan

“Cross Community Working Groups (CCWGs) operate on the basis of consensus”

“CCWGs almost always permit anyone to participate in all activities except consensus calls and associated polling”

“…there are no real limits on participation… and includes participants from all interested SO/ACs”

“A CCWG creates its own charter, which must be approved by each of the participating SO/ACs”

“Typically, the recommendations/report of any CCWG goes back to each participating SO/AC for endorsement. This step promotes transparency and communication and permits each of the SO/ACs to follow their own procedures for review and approval”


Documents for Review:

CWG-Principles Proposed Work Plan - 10 Sep 2014

Outline for Discussion - Convening a CWG - 30 July 2014


MP3 Recording: http://gnso.icann.org/en/node/46521


Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-framework-op-principles-11sep14-en.pdf



Cheryl Langdon-Orr

John Berard - (Co-Chair)

Alan MacGillivray

Becky Burr - (Co-Chair)

Avri Doria

Jim Galvin



Alan Greenberg

Anne-Cathrin Marcussen

Annebeth Lange

Ali Hadji Mmadi


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Glen de Saint Gery

Bart Boswinkel

Terri Agnew


Adobe Chat Transcript for Thursday 11 September 2014:

 Terri Agnew:Dear all, welcome to the  Framework of Operating Principles Cross Community Working Group meeting on the 11th September 2014 at 14:00 UTC

  Bart Boswinkel:Hi Glen and Terri, I'll dial in in a minute or two ( need some strong coffee)

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Bart, thank you for letting us know

  John Berard:@Bart, isn't it a bit late in the day for strong coffee?

  Bart Boswinkel:@John, no it never is:-)

  Becky Burr (.us):ok Bart, but if you want it strong it needs to be light roast - ask Avri

  Bart Boswinkel:It is medium roast

  Mary Wong:No worries :)

  Avri Doria:ah, medium caffeine.  the proble with light roasts, is that coffee has to be of better quality to taste good.

  Mary Wong:Fresh beans and even if you can't roast your own, you can certainly grind them as needed

  Avri Doria:my first take is b or c

  Avri Doria:i am assuming we mean an ICANN CWG, not just a generic cwg

  Mary Wong:@Avri, yes I believe so

  Mary Wong:Our CWG charter notes that our task is "finalizing  a framework      of            operating            principles under whichworking groups jointly chartered by two or more ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees can effectively function      and        produce meaningful and              timely reports and recommendations on topics that are of common interest to such SO/ACs."

Mary Wong:(sorry for the funky spacing)

  Becky Burr (.us):yes that is what i meant

  Allan MacGillivray:I like and agree with Avri's distinction between 'convenor' and  'initiator'.

  Mary Wong:Thanks, Alan - I've added this to the notes.

  Terri Agnew:Jim Galvin has joined

  Jim Galvin:Sorry for being late!  I had an unvoidable conflict.

  Mary Wong:Welcome, Jim!

  Allan MacGillivray:We could also use the formal liasons between the SO/AC's e.g. GNSO Liason to ccNSO.

  Mary Wong:@John, yes, I believe it's basically five elements or phases

  Becky Burr (.us):that makes sense to me

  Allan MacGillivray:Makes sense to me as well.

  Mary Wong:We'll send out a note to the WG once we've created the wiki pages (one for each phase)

  Allan MacGillivray:No me.

  Avri Doria:but we have different ways of doing things.

  Avri Doria:so need to find a common base, i tink.

  Avri Doria:lso i differentiate between how a charter is created and who has to approe in the end.

  Mary Wong:@Jim, hopefully what we will end up with is not a new and additional process but more of a checklist - with a few overarching principles as a framework

  Mary Wong:This group's proposal will also be sent to each SO/AC for their feedback/input prior to finalization, I expect.

  Mary Wong:@Becky, staff will track those public comments as well in that case. Thank you!

  Avri Doria:i am not so sure about conforund the accountabilty work and this work.

  Allan MacGillivray:See yoi in LA!  Bye

  Avri Doria:..confounding ..

  Avri Doria:bye all