First Meeting of New CWG
The first meeting of the new CWG will take place on Thursday 22 May 2014 at 1500 UTC.
- Roll Call/Introduction of WG members
- Overview of Group Mission & Scope (Becky and John, CWG Interim Co-Chairs)
- Typical Life Cycle of a Working Group (Bart, Policy Staff)
- Agreeing on Discussion Points for this CWG (All)
- Next Meeting (if possible, before ICANN50 in London) & Next Steps (selection of Co-Chairs)
Documents for Review:
Background Paper for CWG-Principles
Presentation - Life Cycle of a Cross Community Working Group
MP3 Recording:
Meeting Transcript:
Alan Greenberg
Natalia Enciso
Anne-Cathrin Marcussen
John Berard - (Co-Chair)
Alan MacGillivray
Becky Burr - (Co-Chair)
Avri Doria
Ali Hadji
Isak Jacobsen
ICANN staff:
Mary Wong
Bart Boswinkel
Steve Chan
Nathalie Peregrine
Adobe Chat Transcript for Thursday 22 May 2014:
Nathalie Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the first Framework of Operating Principles Cross Community Working Group meeting on the 22nd May 2014 at 15:00 UTC
Nathalie Peregrine:Audio has been enabled in the AC room, please activate your mics by clicking on the telephone icon at the top of the toolbar and following instructions from there. Alternatively, please dial into the phone bridge, passcode PRINCIPLES
Bart Boswinkel:Hello all
Alan Greenberg:Dialing in now.
Natalia Enciso:Hello everyone.
Mary Wong:We are waiting for a few more people to dial in - in the meantime the conversation on the audio bridge is on a different topic (for those just dialing in now and wondering).
Allan MacGillivray:Hello everybody
Alan Greenberg:long wait for operatot
Alan Greenberg:on now
Alan Greenberg:Was there a dialout for Cheryl?
Nathalie Peregrine:no none requested
Nathalie Peregrine:is she expected here?
Alan Greenberg:Is she on the mailing list?
Mary Wong:Yes I thnk so
Nathalie Peregrine:I am going through emails now and see no dial out request, I am reluctant to wake her.
Alan Greenberg:No, not unless requested.
Allan MacGillivray:The audio is gone - is everyone just quiet or do I have a technical problem?
Mary Wong:Allan we will check
Nathalie Peregrine:AC audio is still on Allan.
Nathalie Peregrine:Try logging out and back in again
Allan MacGillivray 2:Thanks. I'm back.
Mary Wong:Is audio working for you now?
Allan MacGillivray 2:Yes
Alan Greenberg:Don't think I said disastrous. Tumultuous, from a perspective of rules and processes.
Mary Wong:For those looking at the Charter on the screen, you can scroll up and down the document.
Nathalie Peregrine:Ali Hadji has joined the AC room
Mary Wong:Welcome, Hadji
Mary Wong:The PDP procedures and rules between the ccNSO and GNSO are quite different, and are spelled out in the ICANN Bylaws (follow up to Bart's point).
alihadji:Hi Marry
alihadji:I'm Hadji
Mary Wong:Link to ICANN Bylaws, with GNSO PDP rules in Annex A and ccNSO PDP in Annex B:
Mary Wong:Hello Hadji - feel free to type a short introduction of yourself in this chat for everyone.
alihadji:I"m Hadji From Comoros
alihadji:I m the technical contact for .km
alihadji:and represent in ccNSO
alihadji:I'm working in Comores Telecom
alihadji:the only operate telecom In comoros
alihadji:sorry for my English
alihadji:French is my first langage
Mary Wong:Not at all, thank you and welcome. You can review the recording/transcript of this meeting later to hear/see the introductions from the other members of this group on the call today.
alihadji:I'm pleasure to participat in this WG
alihadji:send my salutations to all
Natalia Enciso:Hi Hadgi, I am from Paraguay and english is not my first language either :) Welcome. Also happy to work /learn from all of you. I am At-large member.
Mary Wong:Welcome to you too, Natalia - looking forward to your contributions too!
Natalia Enciso:Thanks Mary.
alihadji:Thanks Natalia
Mary Wong:The document on-screen now is the Background Paper circulated to the mailing list. Again, you can scroll up and down it at your leisure.
alihadji:Mary, where we are about the agenda?
Mary Wong:The Paper and Bart's presentation have also been uploaded to this CWG's wiki space:
Mary Wong:@Hadji - we have concluded Agenda item 3 and starting feedback/discussion on Agenda item 4.
Mary Wong:The Chairs have asked members for suggestions and feedback on how this group can identify issues and build solutions.
Avri Doria:sorry took a while for me to get unmuted. dont really have much to say. i thought Bart did a good breakdonwn.
Avri Doria:and i agree charters are necessary.
alihadji:I m agree the charter
Natalia Enciso:No at this time, my first CCWG :)
Natalia Enciso:Agree with everything that has been said.
Avri Doria:is the ssac gnso joint group on internationaliszind whoi info on the list. dont immediately see it.
Mary Wong:Thanks, Avri - do you mean the IRD WG? If we missed it we will add it.
Avri Doria:i forget if that is what it was called. acronyms have a sort shelf life in my brain.
Mary Wong:@Avri, was this it?
Avri Doria:yep
Avri Doria:thanks
Mary Wong::)
Nathalie Peregrine:Apologies, was stuck on mute, transcript should be posted in about 6 hours' time
alihadji:Thank you
Allan MacGillivray 2:Please don't take my silence as a lack of interest. I think we are the right track.
Natalia Enciso:Thanks. Glad I could help.
Avri Doria:jade or just used to acclimating to whatever is thrown at us.
Mary Wong:Thank you all!
Natalia Enciso:thanks
Avri Doria:thanks, bye