2024-09-05 IDNs EPDP - Meeting #117
2024-09-05 IDNs EPDP - Meeting #117
The call for the IDNs EPDP team will take place on Thursday, 05 September 2024 at 12:00 UTC for 2 hours.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/2hswjm3c
- Roll Call and SOI Updates (2 mins)
- Welcome and Chair Updates (5 mins)
- Discussion on "Grandfathering" (30 mins)
- Discussion on 14-15, 17 (15 mins)
- Review of Comments on Working Document (55 mins)
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Next Steps (10 mins)
- Work Plan
- AOB (3 mins)
Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)
GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items
- The leadership team will review and revert back with any changes to the term Exempted
- Outputs with updated text will be reviewed by stakeholder groups over the next week.
- Roll Call and SOI Updates (2 mins)
- Welcome and Chair Updates (5 mins)
- The Chair shared some opening remarks regarding the finish line approaching, outlining what must be done the rest of the way to overcome barriers and deliver a great final report.
- Discussion on "Grandfathering" (30 mins)
- On the term “Exempted” on page 5 of the glossary there was discussion over the definition and usage in the report.
- The leadership team will review and revert back with any changes
- For the footnotes that have been included in the body of the document, they will remain for at least the next week, but after that period, it will be considered by leadership to remove the footnotes.
- Discussion on 14-15, 17 (15 mins)
- Regarding 14,15, and 17, this email was circulated to the team for review
- To help the team better understand IG 15, a diagram was created (Fig.1 below) for the team’s reference to better understand the relationship in a visual way.
- For Rec 14, a member of the registries posted this potential text in the chat:
- “To account for the "same entity" principle and its implications for variant domain names, gTLD registry operators should work with ICANN-accredited registrars to <add>determine a mechanism to communicate between each other to facilitate the registration and management of variant domain names</add> <remove>provide information on the allocated variant domain names for a given domain name</remove>, including an indication of the source domain name(s) and initial source domain name of the variant domain set. The grandfathered variant domain names pursuant to Final Recommendation 3 are exempt from this requirement.”
- ICANN gTLD Technical Services is currently reviewing this text and finding a technical solution to what is feasible for ICANN org to have a role with.
- The role of the registry vs registrar for the balancing test was debated.
- There are concerns for data privacy
- There was support in the chat from different parties to the above suggested chat.
- The above text will be circulated to the different teams and they will report back next week.
- Review of Comments on Working Document (55 mins)
- On recommendation 20 there was positive feedback.
- Next Steps (10 mins)
- Work Plan
- Staff presented the updated timeline (Fig. 2 below) and the chair implored the team to have serious discussions this week so that we can have a final team call next week
- AOB (3 mins)
Fig. 2