2024-08-29 IDNs EPDP - Meeting #116
2024-08-29 IDNs EPDP - Meeting #116
The call for the IDNs EPDP team will take place on Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 12:00 UTC for 2 hours.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/ys3wfe29
- Roll Call and SOI Updates (2 mins)
- Welcome and Chair Updates (5 mins)
- Discuss PR6 and Updates (15 mins)
- Discussions on "Grandfathering" (15 mins)
- Updates on 10-12 and Discussion on 14-15, 17 (30 mins)
- Review of Comments on Working Document (45 mins)
- Section 3: Glossary
- Section 4: Outputs 1-20 (pp.3-38)
7.Next Steps (5 mins)
- Reminder for Review on Remaining Parts (General/Other)
- Work Plan
8.AOB (3 mins)
Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)
GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar
Notes/ Action Items
- Roll Call and SOI Updates (2 mins)
- Welcome and Chair Updates (5 mins)
- Discuss PR6 and Next Steps (15 mins)
- ICANN org presented on their rescinding of their request for PR6 to be finalized early
- The Chair noted that this will return the group to business as usual, but thanked the group for their efforts on this task
- EPDP Support Staff then presented the final text for PR6 and the text was agreed upon
- The Chair thanked everyone for coming together on the text for this recommendation as it was a very contentious and important part of the work.
- The rationale was discussed for this recommendation, including specific points made for interoperability and uniformity.
- Discussions on "Grandfathering" (15 mins)
- The team discussed the use and potential replacements for the term “grandfathering” in all of its different cases.
- There was general agreement to make revisions according to the comments made in this document.
- The team discussed the use and potential replacements for the term “grandfathering” in all of its different cases.
- Updates on 10-12 and Discussion on 14-15, 17 (30 mins)
- There are expected to be updates made by the next call for PR10
- For Recs 14-15, this email was circulated and discussed
- The risk of personal data potentially being disclosed / exposed is of concern to ICANN org regarding Rec 15
- From the chat: “If there are data privacy concerns, it is problematic to force contracted parties to potentially violate data privacy laws via policy requirements.”
- The risk of personal data potentially being disclosed / exposed is of concern to ICANN org regarding Rec 15
- For Recs 14-15, this email was circulated and discussed
- There are expected to be updates made by the next call for PR10
- Review of Comments on Working Document (45 mins)
- Section 3: Glossary
- Section 4: Outputs 1-20 (pp.3-38)
- Next Steps (5 mins)
- Reminder for Review on Remaining Parts (General/Other)
- Work Plan
- AOB (3 mins)