Zoom Chat: 2022-03-07 At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73

Zoom Chat: 2022-03-07 At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73

15:48:09 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hello, my name is Yeşim Sağlam and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants. Please note that I will read aloud comments/questions submitted in English within the time set by the Chair of this session.

When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.

To listen to the interpretation, please click on the interpretation icon in the Zoom toolbar and select the language you will listen to and/or speak during this session.

Please note that chat sessions are being archived and are governed by the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior: http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards.
15:52:27 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
Greetings from India!!
15:52:41 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
hello Satish Sir!
15:53:36 From Glenn to Everyone:
Greetings all
15:53:55 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
Help Glenn Sir,
15:54:28 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
hello glenn sir
15:54:40 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
Nameste Amrita Mam..
15:54:48 From Glenn to Everyone:
Hi Kapil, nice to see virtually connect
15:55:10 From Matthias M. Hudobnik to Everyone:
Hi everyone 
15:55:39 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
Hi Every one
15:55:49 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
Always Pleasure Sharing Digital Space
15:55:51 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Hello and good day to all!
15:56:29 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
Hello to everyone!
15:56:58 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Hi everyone
15:57:41 From Glenn to Everyone:
Special greetings to the ICANN Fellows and NetGen on the call today
15:57:56 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Hi all
15:57:56 From Pavanaja (ICANN73 Fellow India) to Everyone:
Thanks Glenn
15:59:06 From sana.pryhod@gmail.com to Everyone:
Hi all from Ukraine
15:59:15 From Glenn to Everyone:
@Pavanaja please connect with Satish and Amrita and others on INSIG they are on the call as well
16:00:32 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Hello everyone
16:01:31 From Yaovi Atohoun to Everyone:
Hello everyone
16:02:16 From Samik Kharel ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
Hello everyone, greetings from Kathmandu
16:02:30 From Olévié Kouami to Everyone:
Greetings from Sénégal
16:02:39 From Olévié Kouami to Everyone:
Bonjour du Sénégal
16:02:40 From Abdullah Mamun to Everyone:
Hello everyone, greetings from Bangladesh
16:02:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
G'day from Australia the 'witching hour' here for today's start up of ICANN73
16:02:52 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
Good evening to all from Timor Leste!
16:03:00 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
16:03:12 From Innocent Adriko to Everyone:
Hello everyone, Innocent Adriko joining from Uganda.
16:03:23 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO VC to Everyone:
Greetings from Armenia
16:03:24 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
Hello everyone.....greetings from India
16:04:09 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Still dark at 5am in LA as well. let's bring the light!
16:04:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
16:04:27 From Puteri Ameena to Everyone:
Greetings from Malaysia :)
16:05:03 From Moustapha Abakar Abdramane to Everyone:
Bonjour à tous, Moustapha Abakar depuis le Tchad (House of Africa)
16:05:11 From Internet Society of Puerto Rico to Everyone:
Someone point me to the icann 73 zoom background that at-large will be using during the meetings
16:05:14 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.

To listen to the interpretation, please click on the interpretation icon in the Zoom toolbar and select the language you will listen to and/or speak during this session.
16:05:24 From Roberto Gaetano - NextGen Mentor to Everyone:
Here we go - I was missing the rooster…
16:05:44 From Nicolas Fiumarelli to Everyone:
Hello everyone, Nicolas Fiumarelli joining from Uruguay, South America (attending from the House of Internet (LACNIC) )
16:07:10 From Musa Bangura to Everyone:
Greetings From Sierra Leone
16:07:26 From Shady Ankrah to Everyone:
Hello everyone, Shadrach Ankrah here, joining from Ghana.
16:07:52 From Mouloud Khelif - ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
Hello everyone, joining from Geneva, Switzerland
16:07:58 From Fati Gloria to Everyone:
hello everyone! greetings from Ghana
16:08:21 From KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse-ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
Greetings from Botswana
16:09:15 From CMR CAPDA Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone:
Hi all and greetings from Cameroon
16:09:59 From Frank Anati - ICANN73 fellow to Everyone:
hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana 
16:10:57 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
Sorry for late joining . Problem with the link and pass code
16:11:03 From Vanda Scartezini - Brazil to Everyone:
hi everyone
16:11:18 From Internet Society of Puerto Rico to Everyone:
no yet
16:12:12 From Lilian Ivette Deluque to Everyone:
Good morning everyone
16:12:50 From sergio salinas porto LACRALO to Everyone:
hi everyone!!!!
16:13:34 From Abdullah Qamar to Everyone:
hi from pakistan
16:14:10 From Greg Shatan to Everyone:
Good morning all.
16:14:17 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone:
Bonjour à tous depuis le Tchad/Hello All greetings from Chad
16:15:03 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
Good afternoon from Accra, Ghana.
16:19:29 From Glenn to Everyone:
16:19:50 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
thanks Glenn for sharing.
16:19:54 From Glenn to Everyone:
A page with complimentary resources will be available. Also the slideshow will be available
16:19:59 From Abdullah Qamar to Everyone:
how to join tomorrow session
16:20:27 From Glenn to Everyone:
Go to the schedule and confirm and you will get the zoom link
16:20:34 From Katarina Gevorgyan to Everyone:
@Abdullah all you can find in your account
16:21:02 From Abdullah Qamar to Everyone:
16:21:16 From Glenn to Everyone:
16:21:25 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
@Abdullah go https://73.schedule.icann.org/
16:22:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
In the ALAC / At-Large Sessions Agenda for Tue March 8 at 1830 UTC = Prioritization of Recommendations Framework - An update from the OFB-WG's Sub Committee tasked with the preparation of 'Priorities' from the At-Large/End user perspective.
16:23:55 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
All At-Large session details are available at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99660724/ICANN73+-+March+2022+Community+Forum
16:24:06 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Greetings from the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombuds team is available all week in our virtual office. The Zoom room details are on the Conversation page of the ICANN73 home page under Discussions. Stay safe and be kind. ombudsman@icann.org
16:25:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
g'day @Herb between downpours here in Eastern NSW
16:27:30 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
@CLO… Keep those gumboots close by
16:27:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
a pair on every veranda at this stage
16:31:01 From Sharanpreet Kaur to Everyone:
Greetings from Sharanpreet kaur Dav College Amritsar, India....
16:31:25 From sana.pryhod@gmail.com to Everyone:
Trying to participate simultaneously i this session and in GAC Plenary meeting. Extremely strong intervention of Ukrainian representative in GAC, A lot of extremely serious questions have been raised. Will we discuss really hot topics here?
16:37:02 From Glenn to Everyone:
FYI paper https://www.rwdfoundation.org/news/2022/3/3/dell-case-study
16:37:18 From Glenn to Everyone:
Robert W. Deutsch Foundation Releases "The Digital Equity Leadership Lab: A Case Study of Community Leadership Development to Promote Digital Equity and Justice.”
16:39:00 From Roberto Gaetano - NextGen Mentor to Everyone:
@Oksana - do you think that the GAC will propose a motion similar to the UN-GA?
16:40:43 From Glenn to Everyone:
NARALO will also be participating with the NA SPACE as well reporting on the UA training results
16:41:16 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Sorry to have missed the GAC Plenary. Will be checking out the recording. Thanks for letting us know about this.
16:41:22 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
<QUESTION> For ICANN fellows who would like to consider joining and contributing to the different Working Groups, how would you suggest they choose which WG to select without being too overwhelmed? </QUESTION>
16:42:30 From Ahmad Aghar - ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
Good Question @Pavel!
16:42:33 From sana.pryhod@gmail.com to Everyone:
@Roberto - not sure. At least now( International bodies need a lot of time to react. But our representative proposes to discuss the blocking of Russian Internet by Kremlin itself - from March 11. And global digital infrastructure after it
16:45:19 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Talking Points: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99659874/At-Large+Talking+Points+at+ICANN73
16:45:21 From gisella.gruber to Everyone:
Talking points: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99659874/At-Large+Talking+Points+at+ICANN73
16:47:18 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
Not just non-Latin scripts, but even Latin script beyond the ASCII characters used in English. That is, letters plus diacritic marks
16:47:32 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Talking point for the GPIF were updated but didnt' make it to the wiki. Here they are:The GPIF is a pilot which is under consideration as a lense through which the Board and Community could situate recommendations and positions. It is based on and bounded by ICANN's Articles of Incorporation and By-laws End user interests, as they are reflected in these governing documents, must be honoured
16:47:43 From Glenn to Everyone:
@Bill you are showing your UA chops:)
16:48:43 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC-Participant) to Everyone:
@Bill and new gTLDs as well
16:48:49 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC-Participant) to Everyone:
16:48:54 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
@Glenn, nope, just my Latin sript chops
16:49:41 From Roberto Gaetano - NextGen Mentor to Everyone:
@Bill - for the sake of completeness, even gTLDs longer than 3 chars have problems
16:49:50 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
@Pavel - In order to help you make a choice about what WG to join would be to first of all identify what is your interest area. In At-Large we have three streams - Policy, Operations&Finance and Outreach&Engagement. Check out our meeting schedule and attend the next meeting of one you think might be of interest and see what you think. You can always send a message to staff if you have any questions about meeting times.
16:50:47 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
@Roberto true. but longer gTLDs are (to my mind anyway) a separate issue from using non-ASCII characters
16:53:13 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
@bill wondering why you would say this. I am with Roberto as I think they are the same thing
16:53:46 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
@Pavel , you can find more info here https://atlarge.icann.org/
16:53:56 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
@Maureen thank you for pointing me towards the right direction. This is very helpful!
16:54:19 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
thank you for sharing! @Shah
16:55:09 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
@Judith, you can have a gTLD longer than 3 letters without allowing any other scripts. I take use of other scripts to be the essence of Universal Acceptance.
16:55:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Also @Paval after ICANN 73 look out for each weeks listing with links to the various Work Group and activity meetings going on most of not all are open and joining in is a great way to further test what your primary interests might be in
16:56:05 From Mouloud Khelif - ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
@Pavel, a good start would be to register for At-Large mailing lists, and maybe attend the Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) weekly meetings to get a feel of what is being discussed
16:56:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Exactly @Mouloud :-)
16:56:46 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
thank you @Mouloud this is a good start. Much appreciated!
16:56:57 From Eva Ncho - ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
16:57:12 From Eva Ncho - ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
Thanks @Mouloud
16:58:39 From Stephen Dakyi to Everyone:
+1 @Mouloud
16:58:42 From Roberto Gaetano - NextGen Mentor to Everyone:
To me “Universal Acceptance” is independent from language and/or script, and is the concept that every valid url must be accepted by processing software. Of course, IDNs are the largest category, so we might consider this major subset for the whole.
16:58:47 From Samik Kharel ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
How can an individual join the Regional At large Organization?
16:59:11 From Roberto Gaetano - NextGen Mentor to Everyone:
@Mouloud +1
16:59:33 From Glenn to Everyone:
NARALO will be holding a session on Public Interest Framework on April Monthly meeting. details to be shared
16:59:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
excellent @Glenn I look forward to that
16:59:57 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
@sami. Each RALO allows for individuals to join. Each has its own rules and they should be on the at large website
17:00:12 From ABRAHAM SELBY (GHANA) to Everyone:
Greetings to everyone, I am Selby Abraham from Ghana. Information Technology Specialist. Please connect with me via https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiifimensahselby/ It is a great time to connect with you all here for a common goal and networking. I am ever ready to learn, Contribute and network with as many as possible.
17:00:36 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Welcome Abraham to the community
17:00:37 From Kapil Goyal - DAV College to Everyone:
Universal Acceptances great way to bridge Digital Divide in developing economies..
17:00:38 From Mouloud Khelif - ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
@Samik which region? Europe? Asia? Each RALO has its own rules (allowing or not) individual users
17:00:59 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
@Samik I think Satish Babu can help you answer that as he is the chair of APRALO
17:01:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
@Oksana thanks for this intervention and Stay Safe.
17:01:52 From Satish Babu to Everyone:
@Samik, pls contact me if you are from Asia-Pacific...I'll be happy to let you know the next steps.
17:02:03 From Mouloud Khelif - ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
@Samik: https://atlarge.icann.org/individual-members/apralo
17:02:11 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía to Everyone:
In case you haven’t seen it https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icann-enacts-relief-for-registrants-in-ukraine-and-surrounding-region-07-03-2022-en
17:02:22 From Samik Kharel ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
@Satish , Thanks, Will do
17:02:23 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC-Participant) to Everyone:
@Ocsana stay safe
17:02:32 From Pavel Farhan, ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
thank you to all the speakers for this session.
17:02:36 From CMR CAPDA Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone:
Merci et bravo à toute l'équipe pour cette belle réunion
17:02:41 From sana.pryhod@gmail.com to Everyone:
Thank you all so much!
17:02:46 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía to Everyone:
@Oksana, keep safe
17:02:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Bye for now ….
17:02:51 From Pari Esfandiari to Everyone:
Thank you all
17:02:52 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Thanks and bye to all
17:02:52 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Thanks all!
17:02:54 From Mouloud Khelif - ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
Looking forward !
17:02:55 From Seun S. Ojedeji to Everyone:
Thanks bye
17:02:55 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you all!
17:02:55 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC-Participant) to Everyone:
Thank you all to coming to our session
17:02:56 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thanks, all.
17:02:56 From Sergio Salinas Porto to Everyone:
17:02:57 From KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse-ICANN73 Fellow to Everyone:
great session thanks all
17:02:57 From Alberto soto to Everyone:
thanks, bye!!!
17:02:58 From Adebunmi Akinbo to Everyone:
Well done.
17:02:58 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
Thank you all
17:02:59 From Samik Kharel ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
17:02:59 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
17:03:00 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC-Participant) to Everyone:
thanks bye
17:03:00 From Raymond Mamattah to Everyone:
17:03:02 From Lianna Galstyan (.am/.հայ) to Everyone:
Thanks all
17:03:02 From Dedlyne Cloiseau to Everyone:
merci, au revoir
17:03:02 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Thank you everyone.. Enjoy your day
17:03:03 From gisella.gruber to Everyone:
Thank you all for joining
17:03:03 From CMR CAPDA Michel TCHONANG LINZE to Everyone:
Thank Jonathan
17:03:03 From IG Initiative to Everyone:
17:03:04 From Eva Ncho - ICANN 73 fellow to Everyone:
Merci à tous