CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report

CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report


30 March 2018

Open Date:

30 March 2018

Close Date:

11 May 2018

Originating Organization:

Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability)



Brief Overview:

Purpose: This Public Comment seeks community input on whether there are any inconsistencies1 between the various sets of recommendations within the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability's (CCWG-Accountability) final report from its Work Stream 2 (WS2). The CCWG-Accountability WS2 final report is a compilation of eight reports generated through individual sub-groups of the CCWG-Accountability, each of which has already been the subject of public comment. These eight reports are on the topics identified at Section 27.1. of the ICANN Bylaws2, which defined WS2.

Current Status: At its 9 March 2018 face-to-face meeting[icann.org] at ICANN61 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the CCWG-Accountability completed its approval of each of the sub-group reports for inclusion within the WS2 final report.

Next Steps: The inputs from the public comment period will be analyzed by the CCWG-Accountability, which will consider amending the report in light of the relevant comments received about inconsistencies. The CCWG-Accountability will publish a report on the results of the public consultation. If there are no significant changes required, the CCWG-Accountability will forward its WS2 final report to its Chartering Organizations for endorsement and then to the ICANN Board for consideration and adoption.



1 Because each of these sub-reports has already been the subject of public comment, and in order to complete its work in a timely manner, the CCWG-Accountability is limiting this public comment opportunity only to the identification of inconsistencies between the recommendations across the report. The CCWG-Accountability will not be in a position to re-address substantive issues and open new public comment periods on portions of the report and complete WS2 within its proposed and budgeted completion date of June 2018.

2 Section 27.1 of the Bylaws defines nine topics for inclusion within WS2. However, the Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP) was identified as better suited for coordination with the work on updating ICANN's Independent Review Process, as opposed to handling with WS2. By agreement with the CCWG-Accountability and the community group supporting the updates to the Independent Review Process, the CEP was removed from WS2.