Calls-to-Action for ICANN Reviews
Calls-to-Action for ICANN Reviews
01 March 2018
ICANN Reviews are important accountability mechanisms that need your input to help ICANN deliver on its commitments. Learn about the latest opportunities to participate below.
Organizational Reviews[go.icann.org] are led by independent examiners to assess the extent to which ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs) fulfill their purpose and whether any change in structure or operations is needed.
- Learn about the draft recommendations of the NomCom Review at ICANN61
Join the independent examiner at ICANN61 for an open session[61.schedule.icann.org], during which they will present draft recommendations and next steps of the NomCom Review. This will be an opportunity to provide input and engage face-to-face with the independent examiner. - Provide your Input on the RSSAC Review Assessment Report
The independent examiner has published its assessment report[icann.org] [PDF, 2.5 MB] of the Root Server System Advisory Committee and invites your feedback by 23 March. Join the open session[61.schedule.icann.org] at ICANN61, during which they will share their findings and provide opportunity for you to ask questions and share input. - Visit the Review Status Update Table[icann.org] for the latest status on all active Organizational Reviews
Specific Reviews[go.icann.org] are led by teams of community volunteers to assess the performance of the ICANN organization and make recommendations for improvement.
- Visit the Review Status Update Table[icann.org] for the latest status on all Specific Reviews.