Request for Proposal: PTI Service Organization Control Audits

Request for Proposal: PTI Service Organization Control Audits


11 August 2017

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") is seeking a provider to conduct information systems audits mandated by the various contracts between the ICANN organization and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Regional Internet Registries (RIR). The audits are also part of the contract between the ICANN organization and its affiliate, Public Technical Identifiers (PTI)[pti.icann.org].

PTI is responsible for the operational aspects of coordinating the Internet's unique identifiers and maintaining the trust of the community to provide these services in an unbiased, responsible and effective manner. Mainly, PTI is responsible for the operation of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions; domain names, number resources, and protocol parameter assignments.

The objective of this request for proposal (RFP) is to select an independent audit firm to examine the security, process integrity and availability of the controls created as part of the Trust Services Criteria for the SOC 2® and the SOC 3®. The defined audit periods are 1 October 2017 through 30 September 2018 for the SOC 2® and 1 December 2017 through 30 November 2018 for the SOC 3®.

For a complete overview of the RFP including the timeline, please see here[icann.org] [PDF, 545 KB].

Indications of interest are to be received by emailing PTI.SOC2nSOC3.Audits-RFP@icann.org. Proposals should be electronically submitted by 18:00 PDT on 8 September 2017 using ICANN's sourcing tool, access to which may be requested via the same email address above.