Duplicate of 14 June 2010
Sub-WG B - RAA Additional Amendments Call
Meeting Number: RAA DT/WGB/06.02
Date: Monday, 14 June 2010
Time: 20:00 - 21:00 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/raa-dt/
Interpretation Available: No
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call
Steve Metalitz - IPC – Chair
Philip Corwin – CBUC
Mason Cole - Registrar Stakeholder Group
Tatyana Khramtsova – Registrar Stakeholder Group
Statton Hammock - Registrar Stakeholder Group
Michele Neylon – Registrar Stakeholder Group
Avri Doria - NCSG
Kristina Rosette – IPC
ICANN Staff:
Margie Milam
Marika Koning
Heidi Ullrich
Glen de Saint Géry
David Giza
Liz Gasster
Absent apologies:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC chair
Shiva Muthusamy – At-Large
Marc Trachtenberg - IPC
Transcription: Transcript RAA Sub Team B 14 June 2010
Recording: EN
Documents (EN):
Agenda 14 June 2010- RAA working Group
1. Preparation of presentations for the Brussels Meeting. See: http://brussels38.icann.org/node/12460
a. Decide on an appropriate revised title for the session.
b. Identification of a list of speakers.
I propose that I present a brief synopsis of the subteam's recommendations. We have been asked to provide two slots for brief presentations from law enforcement, and I assume that a registrar representative will wish to speak (can we decided who on today's call?). It's also been requested that we invite ICANN compliance staff to offer a few remarks. Finally, it may be that one of our ALAC participants will wish to speak. With up to six speakers, everyone will have to be extremely concise if we are to allow adequate time for questions/comments from the floor, which I think we must certainly do.
I am aware of one other request for a briefing from the subteam, which would be on Sunday at 1700 for the GNSO Council work sessions. I don't know of any other formal opportunities for us to present in Brussels re our work so far, but if subteam members or staff know of any, please advise ASAP or on our call.