Code of Practice Library

Code of Practice Library


AuDA has worked over a considerable period with stakeholders to produce a Registrar Code of Practice related to their registry.

The repository of history all the meeting notes and the current COP is within http://www.auda.org.au

How auDA develops its Codes and Policies (via Panels and Committees)( is outlined from the links on this page http://www.auda.org.au/policy/policy-overview/

The Domain Name Industry Code of Practice work Code of Practice Committee http://www.auda.org.au/cop/- drafted and reviewed .au Domain Name Suppliers' Code of Practice (2002-2004)

All the meetings and public consultation links are here http://www.auda.org.au/cop/cop-index/

All AuDA current published policies are at: http://www.auda.org.au/policies/current-policies/ and there are some here that would also have a role in a Registrar COP with definitions and some clarifications, as well as the associated complaints resolution policy (which is currently being reviewed.

The COP is found in full (the PDF and a background synopsis) is available at: http://www.auda.org.au/policies/auda-2004-04/


EurID Code of Conduct: http://www.coc.eu/images/Documents/Code_of_Conduct/coc_20062007.pdf

Complaints procedure available at EurID for Code of Conduct violations: http://www.coc.eu/images/Documents/Code_of_Conduct/complaintform.pdf