Cybersafety Constituency (Proposed)
Note: the links below are to the actual documents; however, they can be referenced in context at the GNSO Improvements web site (Home Page) under Council Organization - New Constituency Process
The ICANN Public Comment Period concerning the CyberSafety Constituency's Petition and Charter is now open and closes 5 April 2009. To make a comment, please click on this link and follow the instructions provided.
CyberSafety Document:
CyberSafety NOIF submitted by Cheryl Preston 20 October 2008
Introduction Letter to CyberSafety Petition & Charter submitted by Cheryl Preston
CyberSafety Constituency Petition & Charter submitted by Cheryl Preston
CyberSafety Membership Roster, Revised 27 March 2009
Feel free to enter any input or feedback to this page by using the orange Comment button (top or bottom).