Consumers Constituency
Note: the links below are to the actual documents; however, they can be referenced in context at the GNSO Improvements web site (Home Page) under Council Organization - New Constituency Process
The ICANN Public Comment Period concerning the Consumers Constituency's Petition and Charter is now open and closes 15 May 2009. To make a comment, please click on this link (TBD) and follow the instructions provided.
Consumers Constituency Documents:
Consumers Constituency NOIF submitted by Beau Brendler 28 Feb 2009
Introduction Letter to Consumers' Petition & Charter submitted 10 April 2009 by Beau Brendler & Holly Raiche
Consumers Constituency Petition & Charter submitted 10 April 2009 by Beau Brendler & Holly Raiche
Feel free to enter any input or feedback to this page by using the orange Comment button (top or bottom).