At-Large IRT Process Working Group

At-Large IRT Process Working Group


We're happy to inform you that many of you have expressed an interest in being involved in the At-Large New gTLD working group focussed on the deliberations of the Implementation Recommendation Team ("IRT") which is to draft a report for the Board by 24th April. The objective of this working group is to address the concerns of holders of trademarks in the context of the New gTLD programme. Further information (English only) may be found at: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-6-06mar09-en.htm.

Anyone who wishes to participate in the At-Large new gTLD Working Group on the IRT Process is welcome to do so - please subscribe to the New GTLD Mailing list at this link: http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/gtld-wg_atlarge-lists.icann.org.

The IRT process itself will be conducted largely in english-only. The At-Large community members participating in discussing the work of the IRT and ensuring that IRT participants who are from the At-Large community are supported in putting forward the views of At-Large can be supported in English and Spanish, with respect to telephonic meeting interpretation and to the extent possible document translation, so don't let language stand in your way of participating in this key policy development process.


The members of At-Large IRT Process WG, organized by regional affiliation, are:



















Former WG Members


The next call is scheduled on:

Previous call:

Meetings and Events

Monthly Reports

