Welcome to the collaborative workspace for the ALAC ad-hoc WG in support of the Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT) activities, and to contribute to the development of ALAC Statements to this GNSO WT and on the matter of Intellectual Property Rights in new gTLD's.
Anyone who wishes to participate in the At-Large new gTLD Working Group on the IRT Process is welcome to do so - please subscribe to the New gTLD Mailing list at this link:
Background Information
Firstly, the work of the Implementation Recommendation Team ("IRT") which is to draft a report for the Board by 24th April.
As provided by the Board resolution of 6 March 2009:
³... based on the public comment submissions received regarding the New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook, ICANN Staff has determined that the implementation issues involving trademark protection need additional community input and analysis. These issues exist today within the existing gTLDs.
Whereas, members of the community with knowledge and expertise in this area have proposed a way to synthesize the comments received in this area, and, with input from the broader community, including WIPO, propose solutions to the Staff on these issues in a timely manner.
Whereas, the board recognizes that resolution of these issues would be beneficial to the introduction of new gTLDs, it is
Therefore resolved (2009.03.06.06), that the Board requests the GNSO's Intellectual Property Constituency in consultation with staff to convene an Implementation Recommendation Team comprised of an internationally diverse group of persons with knowledge, expertise, and experience in the fields of trademark, consumer protection, or competition law, and the interplay of trademarks and the domain name system to develop and propose solutions to the overarching issue of trademark protection in connection with the introduction of new gTLDs. ³
Further information (English only) may be found at:
The IRT process itself is likely to be conducted in english-only. The At-Large community members participating in discussing the work of the IRT can be supported in English and Spanish, with respect to telephonic meeting interpretation, and to the extent possible document translation, so don't let language stand in your way of participating in this key policy development process. The Staff do not guarantee that all documents will be translated.
For those of you who have asked how to directly participate in the work of the IRT, please note that the list of participants is now closed. There are volunteers from At-Large who responded before the deadline; the At-Large working group on the IRT will be closely connected to those individuals and they will be helping to ensure that At-Large¹s views are represented in the IRT¹s work.
Current Work to Be Done
The ALAC Chair received a request for Comment on March 13th the following is an excerpt from that letter which outlined some of our immediate ans specific needs...
"...In particular, we seek the ALAC's proposals for solutions (new or existing) to trademark protection issues that have been identified in connection with the introduction of new gTLDs, concerns about such solutions, and any other pertinent information your ALAC believes the IRT should have as it begins its work. We encourage you to be as specific as possible. With regard to solutions, it is particularly important that solutions be scalable and fair. Finally, with the exception of identifying support for and/or identifying concerns with specific measures, it is not necessary to submit proposals about solutions that were set forth in public comments on the first draft of the Draft Applicant Guidebook; an IPC team is already hard at work identifying them. Those proposals can be seen by reviewing the public comments sections at, and many of them are in short form in section IX of the comment analysis at
Given the timetable set forth in the Board's resolution, we request your input not later than March 25, 2009. If it is not possible under the internal processes of ALAC to develop and approve any formal submission in the requested time frame, individual submissions from ALAC members are permitted. Your ALAC comments will have significant impact on the quality of the proposal and the speed that it will adopted, so please carefully consider your input, make it as complete as possible and try to respect the objectives of trying to protect consumers from harm while creating a fair and scalable solution.
Please direct all submissions to
Thank you!
Steve Metalitz, IPC president"
In addition all participants in this ad-hoc ALAC WG should be listed in the table below as WG Members and a short statement of interest made (continuous disclosure is also expected so please update this if you circumstances change) questions to be addressed are found in the standard template used by the GNSO on their WG's and includes Statements of Interest: Current vocation, employer and position; The type of work performed in the bullet above; Financial ownership, etc. with ICANN ties; Commercial interest in ICANN GNSO policy development outcomes; Arrangements/agreements regarding service in ICANN policy making process:
WG Member Name |
Current vocation, employer and position |
Contact details |
Link to page for further information/Statement of Interest (perhaps a table could be set up here) Participants: |
Put your name below and turn it into a link
Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Meeting Notes:
Information on past and upcoming teleconferences will be posted here.
Reference Material:
This section will be links to documents and reference material not otherwise contained in other sections.
Carlos Aguirre wants to join this WG.
contributed by on 2009-03-30 15:42:05 GMT